isolation tactics used to train army to kill


Well-known member

i just got done reading an article about shyness. It says that the more shy people are isolated, the worse it gets. You should, if your are shy, go out as much as possible..anywhere and everywhere. Shy people lack experience communicating(they don't know how to act in social situations). MOst shy people think that by just GOING OUT to be with people, they are helping get rid of their shyness but in fact it does nothing. If you want to get rid of shyness you have to actually actively approach other people. They say shy people trying to overcome shyness should not wait for others to approach them. In fact, that is one of their biggest mistakes which is why they sometimes fail in curing their own shyness.

That was actually not the interesting part. The most interesting part was when they said that the isolation that shy people go through...the army uses those same tactics of isolation to get people accustomed to killing other people. It looks like isolation is the most dangerous thing about being shy.
I was shocked when I read this, not because I have never thought of this, but becauase the training actually works! I don't know about anyone else, but reading something like that has the power to change my life!

for shy clubbers looking to experience nightlife


Well-known member
isolation =! killer

Im sorry but there is much more to being able to kill than being isolated. Besides most of us still go on the net, which means we aren't truely isolated and therefore are still in control of ourselves. :p

But yeah i'd say it would be a contributing factor, but only a minor part. It takes a lack of compassion and empathy to wack someone more than isolation i'd say. From what i've seen most folks with SAD are rather in tune with their feelings, and are empathetic people (just look @ the forums).

But thats just me. Then again social misfits do fit the psycho stereotype more so than others I spose. :?


Well-known member
thats truth, remember Codename 47 from the Hitman pc game series, he was isolated while trained. I wish i was like him haha


Well-known member
Well I was pretty much in complete isolation for 4 years.Does that make me a crazed killer.I don't think so. :lol:


Well-known member
i think we are talking about killers, when they are not isolated, they get these positive emotions from other people and it is harder for them to kill people, but when they are isolated they can concentrate only on developing their skills, as i usually do haha


Well-known member
hmm..yeah, maybe sa is different. i've been iso;ated for a while too and would never kill anyone but still...isn't that kinda mind opening?

it's just a reminder for those who are sooo isolated and that never get out that maybe they should try and take a step.
i mean, I am isolated..but I leave the house because i have to make a living. there zre some people that still live with their parents maybe that aren't getting out at all.

I just think it's interesting..that;s all. :D


I reckon you are onto something there,

cos some people that climb clocktowers with sniper rifles are loners.

dangerous how popular games like Counterstrike are now, do you think that reduces violent inclination or alleviates it?

snipers/ninjas work / worked alone often...