Is Your SA getting worse?


Well-known member
I think for me, as time is passing, and i'm getting older, that my SA is actually getting worse. I believe that this is because I have spent so many years alone, and I mean ALONE. I'm not really that shy, but I have a problem with people, because I feel that they will ultimately reject me, ridicule me, or just not like me. I really don't want to be like this forever, but it seems like it is going to be that way. Can anyone else relate?


Well-known member
Yeah, I think mine has gotten worse over the past years. I moved to Germany 13 years ago, and since then I haven't worked outside of the home. Before, I used to have a job and go out with co-workers sometimes. But since I have moved here, I have almost no social contact with others. I am always afraid that people will react negatively toward me because I don't speak the language perfectly, even though I actually speak pretty well. Just when I feel nervous I forget words and stutter and stammer around :oops: My husband is the one who deals with our son's teacher, stuff like going to the bank, etc. I live in a state of isolation and it isn't much fun, and it sure isn't good for my self esteem (I don't have any). I think if I still lived in the States, it wouldn't have gotten this bad for me. Going back isn't an option. So, I guess I just have to live with the situation the way it is.


Yep , I thought it will get better with time , when i finish high school, change environment and things like that but it didnt. I think its because my nervous system is more and more tired after every stress i sustain and it reacts more and more intensive in every situation.I never considered my SF as a advanced one but a few days ago i realized how far i went with this SF problem and finally i decided to took a therapy , asked my father to set up everything for me and now i am at point of arranging things . You didnt write if you used a help of psychologist or sth and please do cause i think its quite important.


Well-known member
Spearmint said:
Foxglove said:
I moved to Germany 13 years ago.

Where did you move to Germany from Foxglove? and why Germany?

I'm considering emigrating from the UK to somewhere else in Europe, not because it will help with social phobia but because i do not like the UK and do not like where the country is heading, i very much want to leave.

The only real thing that's stopping me from leaving is my family... i don't want to leave them here and be alone in a foreign country.

Hi Spearmint. I moved here from Virginia in the States to be with my husband, who is German. I didn't have any problem leaving my family because I don't get along with them too well anyway. If it weren't for my husband, I wouldn't have moved here. I couldn't imagine either moving all by myself to a foreign land where I don't speak the language. Why don't you like the UK? I've always wanted to visit London, Stonehenge and the Scottish Highlands.


Well, I'm 21 now, and I hope that when I got 10-15 more years on my butt, I may see things clearer and maybe is more functional than now.

You grow inside when you gets older, so that's my hope! :)


Well-known member
i think my sa is getting better, i go out alot more often now especially shopping which i love (usually it's by myself though) and i feel much better around people than i did 4 years ago. my opinion of myself has changed slightly for the better as i no longer put others on the pedestal anymore (of course, i have my down days)

yet despite these postive changes i'm still a loner. so that's one thing i need to work on now, to increase my social circle