Is your HH getting worse by the years

Hi , Iam new 2 the forum and I must say that it has been a great relief 2 discover that I am not alone with the problem of HH. I came in the UK 6 yrs ago and I only discovered the forum last year. It has helped alot especially when i had 2 decide on whether i would have the ETS (I decided not too).

What Iam trying 2 get out of this thread is 2 ask people whether they think that their HH is getting worse and worse by the yrs. In my 34 Iam at a point in my life that my sweating in my hands and feet is now more generalised and alot more excessive.

I find it very hard 2 cope with all aspects of my daily life and i thought of putting this post as a way of sharing experiences with other HH sufferesr as I never knew anybody else with this condition apart from me. Id really appreciate some replies from people above 25 just because I wonder whether HH evolve in their lives and their ways of coping. Thanks very much and sorry 4 the long post :)


Well-known member
I don't post here often, but I would say that my HH has definitely gotten much worse over the years, I am 30 right now. I have had sweaty hands most of my life but, about 4 years ago, my sweating became generalized, and my palmar HH has gotten much worse. My hands are constantly glistening/wet and clammy, my legs, feet and forehead sweat, and my body is just in general sympathetic overdrive (clammy, hot, and just disgusting feeling). It has been detrimental psychologically, and I have done everything to try and make it better (I have tried virtually everything, and I am still looking).

The only thing I am thankful for, is that I didn't have this problem in college. There is no way I would have made it through (I simply had palmar HH, and I used to be able to control it reasonably well with drysol and wearing plastic gloves at night). I could go on about it forever, but you can PM me if you want!


Well-known member
I know what you are talking about. I´m 52 and have been sweating excessively as long as I can remember. My problem has mainly been with my feet, but also sweating from my hands and the scalp has been driving me nuts. Today I´m in control of my feet and hands by iontophoresis. You need to remember that sweating serves important purposes for your body, so if you sweat, I believe there´s a very good reason for it. There´s nothing wrong with your body. It´s acting to administrate some chemical activity going on within you. If you try by chemistry to block your body from acting upon chemical reactions brought upon your own body by yourself ( most likely) there´s a major risk that the result is not to your advantage.

Throughout my life I found that if I keep fit and watch my weight, I will be less bothered with excessive sweating.
thanks 4 the replies,tbanner523 i relate exactly with what u describe y HH became generalised around 6 yrs ago.It has been a nightmare since then 2 cope with everything in my daily life.I used 2 consider myself good at coping with hh but it feels like the sweating spreads and i dont know how 2 deal with that.

I also tried so many things from alternative medicine, antiperspirants and inontophoresis but so far nothing worked with the exception of iontophoresis that managed 2 reduce my sweating 4 2 yrs.Since it stopped working i experience severe sweating.

Hyper-Hydro i agree so much with that sweating has important function in the body and this is the reason that i dont choose drastic solution such as ETS. I awlays tried 2 repeat 2 myself that this condition serves in regulating my body and it has a purpose but its just lately it has been really overwhelming.


Well-known member
The only treatment that has worked for me (and only to slight extent), is iontophoresis...however, it is extremely time consuming, and I rarely have time during the day to keep up the 2 week-20 minute a day regimen, to achieve just a resemblance of dryness . Of course, ionto does nothing for the other parts of my body that sweat.

I tried Ditropan for a while, and it worked pretty well, but for some reason it started to fade. The only way to make it work was to increase the dosage to unacceptable levels (side effects were too much). I am currently crushing robinul tablets into my iontophoresis trays, but have only been able to try it once. I will let you know if it works....when I have time to do it more frequently.

Also, I am in fine shape, I workout five days a week...I feel better about myself, but no change in sweating!
Just a question tbanner523 as im not sure if u got my PM. Im interested in trying the robinul combined with iontophoresis as i dont really know what else 2 do. As the doctors in the UK can not prescribed it, i found an online pharmacy that sell Avert(equivalent with robinul).The problem is that im not sure if i should buy the liquid solution or the oral capsules.

So i will be really grateful when and if u have results 2 let me know the results as well as if u had any side effects.(whenever u have time 2 do it more often so there is no rush). In the mean time i think ill order the pills but if they have 2 many side effects i might just go later 4 the liquid solution.

Also, in all my ilfe ive been always slim and i try 2 exercise frequently but as u said the sweating remains the same.Unfortunately, even exercise lately has been a struggle as i had 2 give up yoga and dance classes as the sweating was 2 much. Anyway, hope that the new attempt with the ionto and the robinul works 4 u.
Pinker, i thought that glycopyrrolate does not exist in the UK. I went a few times to my GP and had no idea what i was talking about. Im sure that it needs prescription so ill try once more with another doctor and see what happens,thanks 4 the info :)
hi Pinker, ill give it a go as soon as i book an apointment with the GP (only apointment is after easter) .Thanks 4 the help and tk care :)


I suffer from HH palmer and feet for more than 50 years, so I can tell people here it is real but as you aged, it may reduce slightly but surely still very wet!

I have 3 children and only my daughter has HH whilst by twin sons don't. So I really can't explain why. Both my parent don't suffer from HH too!

I heard of the ionto machine but only of late I started to explore more about it. In Singapore, it is unheard off. I just wonder why?

I hope to be able to come up with a simple device that can help many people like me here. It will be a step by step DIY with components purchase off the shelves from any DIY or even everyday appliances. For safety, it will work on anything less than 12 volt DC.

Do wish me luck and if you have any contributions, do share.


Well-known member
Avert/Secure Wipes

Hi secret_dream:

I hope you'll find the Avert capsules a big help. I've used them for over a year now and they are a wonderful help with HH.

The side effects vary from person to person, I guess, but I've had nothing but a little dry mouth--water and hard candy help with that, and it's a small price to pay. The Secure Wipes can be a big help too, but since one of my big problems was head sweating, they couldn't really help with that.

I'm assuming you ordered the Avert through They are very knowledgeable about HH. I live near their standing store, so can go in for talks, but I know they can and will provide good information online.

Good luck!
Hi, Margiehope thanks as your post reassured me about the side effects of Avert(eventhough im aware that everyone reacts differently). I ordered ysd the Avert as my GP in the UK was not really willing 2 prescribe me the glycopyrrolate solution.

I think some of the doctors see HH as a minor problem maybe because sweating is a natural bodily reaction. Only if they were one day in our position they would understand how difficult is to live a normal life with HH.

Anyway, im waiting 4 the Avert 2 come and i really hope it will work. As surgery is not an option 4 me i hope that the glycopyrrolate will help me take back a big part of my life. Tk care and be well :)


Well-known member
Hope Avert Works

Hi Secret_Dream,

Thanks for your well wishes--right back at you. Please let me, and the forum, know how you do on the Avert