Is This Social Phobia/Anxiety? Newbie here.


I'm new hear and have never even seen a counselor. But lately, I've been wondering if I might have Social Phobia/Anxiety. I'm thinking now of going to a professional to see because I find my anxiety in these situations to be irrational (yet I can't control feeling them). If anyone can help out, I'd appreciate it. I'm a 30-year-old female and have been like this for years.

1. If I see anyone I know in public, I do whatever I can to avoid running into them (turning my face, going into a different direction).

2. I've been pretty dateless even though I'm attractive.

3. All my life, I've only had a handful of friends. Right now, I have lived in a "new" city for over six months and don't have a friend. I just don't go anywhere.

4. I hate the phone! I screen calls because i never feel "prepared" to talk and never call my acquaintances to talk (which is prob' why I never get invited anywhere).

5. If I have a crush on a man, its even more severe. If I know he shops at a certain store or lives in a neighborhood, I'll avoid that place at all cost, even if it means making a long detour.

6. I dread confrontation. If someone makes me mad, I'll endure it (but be passive-aggressive about it.) If someone shortchanges me or a phone company overcharges me, I can't call them out on it. People have always said I'm "too nice" and I have been taken advantage of always.

7. I'm such a homebody. I feel totally uncomfortable going places alone (because I am always alone...I don't have shopping buddies). I might run to get coffee through a drive-thru, but that's it.

8. I CANNOT walk down the street where cars are driving by. I dread that someone I know will see me and think I'm weird for walking. I cannot walk across an intersection at a light. The feeling of cars sitting there watching me walk by is so intimidating (and again, I fear someone I know is there).

9. No way can I eat in public. Walking in a mall (even with a friend) and going near a busy place (like a food court) makes me very uncomfortable. Again, its like I fear someone I know will see me there. this pretty much goes anywhere.

10. I even have a big floppy hat I like to wear when I have to shop/run I'm trying to disguise myself and having no one recognize me

11. If I see my neighbor (or anyone) outside and I'm on my way out the door, I'll see them from the window and wait till they are gone before I can go out to my car.

12. Often I find my speech to get mixed up (like I have dyslexia) when I'm talking in an intimidating situation (with a boss, group of people).

And I'm sure there's what do you think? Social Anxiety of plain shyness?

The funny thing that I don't understand is that I can be talkative in certain situations. I'm actually a teacher and have to speak in front of students and am (almost) funny and eloquent. But if I see my student outside the classroom, I feel very uncomfortable and try to avoid them.


Well-known member
Hi, it sounds like you do suffer from SA. Those are pretty classic symptoms that sound like they're impacting a fair bit on your life. I'm curious, do you have any physical symptoms at all? I think i've had SA for a fair few years but only in the past year (i'm 26 now) have i started to develop physical symptoms including sweating and blushing when in uncomfortable situations (mainly direct interactions with particular people) which are now impacting largely on my life.

Anyway if you want to talk a bit more about it send me a msg. Good luck.


tool1919 said:
Hi, it sounds like you do suffer from SA. Those are pretty classic symptoms that sound like they're impacting a fair bit on your life. I'm curious, do you have any physical symptoms at all? I think i've had SA for a fair few years but only in the past year (i'm 26 now) have i started to develop physical symptoms including sweating and blushing when in uncomfortable situations (mainly direct interactions with particular people) which are now impacting largely on my life.

Anyway if you want to talk a bit more about it send me a msg. Good luck.

Thanks for responding and pointing some things out. Regarding the physical symptoms, I don't suffer from panic attacks or sweat profusely, but I do find my body posture to be quite affected. If I have to walk through an intersection, I become very hurried, with my head down, no eye contact. My body overall just feels tense but nothing too alarming.


Well-known member
Yeh, spose everyone's different with regard to symptoms etc. I'm the same when walking past groups of people, or cars at lights. I think we're just more concious of ourselves and perhaps care too much about being judged by others. I keep trying to tell myself not to care because it doesn't matter, but easier said than done.

Good luck with this and as i said, if you wanna chat a bit more about any of this then it would be good to hear from you. I think everyone learns a lot about this by talking to others who have the same problems.