Is this Severe OCD - opinions wanted


New member
I'm a member of a fanclub (Hanson to be exact, yea they still exist lol) and have been curious of other people, out side of the band community's, opinion on this subject.

There is a girl in the community that suffers of Torettes and Severe OCD. She is 26 years old and to be honest, I do worry about the girl. She is unable to care for herself or even fuction individually and I really don't think she is getting the proper care from her parents.

Now the fanclub has a message board and when she goes on she just posts run on sentences that her mother (who replies to the post) encourages this as poetry and how wonderful it is. It's nice but it gets awkward. An example:

hansons music is the ocean waves praying over the velvet seas tays soul is like an cottage of velvet trees taylor hanson i lvoe how when he sings his hair ands his body and his skin and his voice becomes an velvet peach...(this goes on and becomes quite sexual at times)

If someone posts even a question (for instance someone asked "how do you know Taylor is kind" a very simple question), it is suddenly taken out of context by people that know Colleen and they are attacked. It's ridiculous.

Her parents, both quite old, her mother is a mess, a horrible person in my opinion. My first encounter with the woman is "Hello this is my daughter Colleen, she has OCD." This came out highly uncomfortable to me. The mother even runs around with a list with everyone on the website's screenname marking how each person reacts to Colleen, online and in person. This is by far strange and uncalled for in my opinion.

Colleen cannot function properly at concerts. She is a disaster from becoming overly excited. She screeches, screams, and is a total dysfunction. Her mother gets her into the shows early but instead of putting her in a safe place, like a handicap section, she puts this girl in FRONT row. This is dangerous to her, and the fans around her, She has punched people around her in fits of excitement, for Taylor, the love of her life, even vomited on herself and continued her fits of joy disgusting the fans around her.

I don't think this is safe for her or anyone. She has been to almost 30 concerts and I feel if someone has OCD they should be weened off of their obsession (depending on what it is) and concentrate on teaching such an individual how to take care of them self for the future instead of following a band around.

What are your opinions on the matter?


jellipop said:
What are your opinions on the matter?


um. Hansons?
Quite honestly everything about this post has thoroughly freaked the shit out of me. The Hansons fan club, the warden mother, the vomiting OCD partially insane daughter. And there may have been some other things sprinkled in there I've thankfully forgotten.

I...I don't really know where to start.. but I hear electroshock therapy has worked wonders in treating Hanson infatuation.