Is this really just anxiety?


New member
Hey i am new to these forums and was wondering what some of you have think about all this.

About 4-6 weeks ago i had my first panic attack that lasted nearly 4 hours, and ever since then i've had this constant feeling of anxiety, extreme spacyness that only leaves for a few minutes at a time and just this overall weird feeling. Ive been to the doctors several times over this last month and was prescribed some medicines which i stopped because it made me feel worse and gave me bad thoughts, and now my therapist put me on risperdal which is giving me bad thoughts as well and i feel just not in control and even more weird that i already did. But back to the point both my therapist and doctor think i have GAD but to me it seems like its something that's worse.

When i say worse i don't really have any symptoms that would point to something more serious but these feelings i am having are so weird that i just don't know anymore I also don't like going out places ( haven't been to school in 2 weeks), horrible intrusive thoughts and my vision is just really weird now.

What do you guys make of this? do you any of you have like some weird body high feeling that never leaves?..sorry if all this doesn't make much sense i am pretty tired.
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New member
I get attacks sometimes.. where I just cry for hours on end and have bad thoughts. Try to keep in touch with friends. Don't let yourself fall too deep in misery.
I had this too after having several panic attacks from smoking dope. My body felt kind numb or like I was buzzing on something. I was hypervigilant and would jump on any sound. My vision was distorted as well, like things would morph or change colour or get brighter or begin to shrink and moving things would move like they do when the frame rate on the computer is slow. My mind would race and jump from one thing to another. I had trouble falling asleep as well. Then I thought I was becoming schizophrenic and would monitor myself for signs of the illness. I thought I was going to start hearing voices and was really scared about it. I was just waiting for someone to whisper my name. I t was horrible and lasted for 18 months non-stop. All day I was anxious and felt really strange and I was obsessed with this problem and thought about it from when I woke up till I fell asleep. But I sat down and did cognitive therapy over it and meditation and it all cleared up within a few months. It was the panic attack that made me like this because I didn't know what was happening was only a state of panic and o I was left traumatised by it.