Is this possible?


Is it possible for people to just have sweaty hands or feet but have no problem with sweaty armpits? Just curious. Thanks


Well-known member
I guess I'd kinda be like that?

My hands and feet sweat (a lot worse now than I used to back in high school).

I guess way back I used to drip a bit from my armpits but only in very hot hot conditions but for most part I don't think I sweat more than anyone else in the armpit area (except for people with hyperhidrosis in the armpits).


Yeah, I'm pretty much the same as iDShaDoW.

On rare occasions my armpits can get extremely sweaty, but that hardly ever happens. I noticed once actually that my right armpit had a big pit stain and my left had virtually none. It was bizarre.


Well-known member
Yes,me to.

Only sweat on my armpits rare times, not a problem for me.

But after i have used the ionto for over a year now, I notice that I sweat more all over the body.

Face,legs and arse/groin specially,but not to the level that I do have to hide things,,,,,,yeat.....Only had a very few sweat attacks,and then its nothing I can do.

Another problem for me is that I swell on my hands and feet very often,dont know what to do about that.


Well-known member
yes, you can have sweating isolated to just one area of the body be it the hands, feet, underarms, chest, back, and groin.

For me my main area is my underarms however in stressful, anxiety filled situations my hands and feet sweat and in extreme stressful, high anxiety situations I can literally sweat from every single inch of my body from head to toe. For me it has only gotten worse with time.


Well-known member
Yea, it's gotten progressively worse for me over the years from when I was in elementary school up to now in college.

Sweat more over parts of my body that I didn't really before, although I now live in Virginia where it's really humid compared to Boston.


I 'only' have plantar HH but it is bad enuff. I have tried pretty much every product on the market. I have managed to stop the sweating about %80 but it still is bad as i still have to buy new shoes every 2 or 3 weeks.


Well-known member
You stopped it 80% and still have to buy new shoes every 2 or 3 weeks? ><

Why? Due to the odor?

Maybe you can try buying several pairs of new shoes and wear a pair each day and cycle through them and leave the pairs you just wore by a fan to let it dry and air out.

Also told someone in another post that Lysol disinfectant works to kill odor in shoes. Just spray a bunch in your shoes after you wore them and leave by a fan to dry out.


Well-known member
Indeed it is. I can certify that. I sweat more from my feet that from my armpits if we talk about everyday life, excempting physical excertion.


Well-known member
Haha yea.

I'm wondering that if/when I finally get this Botox approved or get an ionto machine, that I might sweat more from my torso and legs since I won't sweat from my hands or feet (hopefully). Hope I don't sweat more from my face either, it's not bad but in some situations I can sweat a bit, not sure how noticeable it is though.


I have plantar/palmar. Palmar being the worst. Never had much underarm trouble. Slight trunk trouble once the hands and feet get going though.

After using the MD1a unit, the hands and feet go 100% dry. Actually unable to sweat, which feels AMAZING. But now I do get the occasional underarm problem and will get some trunk sweat with it.

It's still very much worth it, but it does seem like any time we plug something, it's going to come out somewhere else. =(