Is this kind of sweat normal?


The only time I really have a problem with armpit sweat is when I am around a girl and trying to make a good impression (Meaning that this is the only time I profusely sweat like that... and it comes from WORRYING about sweating I am pretty sure...because I won't sweat near as bad in any other situation) ... Like first date stuff.... I guess its because im really nervous and talking in ways I don't normally talk just to make the girl like me. I generally don't have a problem after I know the girl likes me. Is this normal? Ive only took a couple girls out too and I think this might go away as I get older as well?


Well-known member
Definitely normal. Most people are usually very nervous or excited when meeting new people (especially ones they're attracted to and want to make a good impression on) and that can be similar to anxiety and raise your body temperature and other things and cause sweating.

Heck, I had to set up some new employees' computers this morning at work and let's say one of them was very attractive.

At first I was very relaxed and calm but then I noticed she kind of kept glancing up at me from her chair while we waited and she made some small talk about how she saw me when I came into work in the morning which caused me a little bit of anxiety and what do you know... my hyperhidrosis starts creeping in and I can tell it is and that just made it fire up which just made me a lot more nervous.

Now, if she had just sat there while I worked or grabbed some coffee or something I doubt I would've started sweating and now I get to sit here all day while I sweat even though I'm no longer nervous, anxious, etc.

Ah yes, hyperhidrosis, it's a great thing isn't it? :?


Is it necesarily HH if its only in this kind of situation tho? ive read alot of places its normal to sweat alot when under situations like this. I think experience would get rid of the problem though. and yea basically i just wanna know if it will go away as i get more comfortable and anxiety about this goes away because I have Drysol but don't like using it cause not sweating at all is kinda weird as well and the aluminum thing... i havnt heard good stuff about it. It completely works though and is there I just dont want to use it so much.


Well-known member
I suppose if your sweating is only in social situations where you feel nervous then it might not be HH.

Mine can be triggered by just being out in hot weather. Hell, I can be sweating non-stop in the middle of winter when I'm outside.

I guess the easiest way to know if it's not HH would be maybe if you don't stop sweating even after you're no longer in a high anxiety situation or you keep sweating even though your body is no longer overheating from exercise or hot weather.


I think there are like 2 diff kinds of nervousness. Theres like a panicky nervousness where you feel really hot all of a sudden bc your panicing then you start to sweat... I sweat if I panic like this... Then theres the nervousness where your tense and not really feeling whats around you, just living. The panicky nervous is more easy to control because you still have good sense all around you but its like if your really nervous you have no good sense lol i dont know if any of that makes sense. Only time I sweat bad though is in situations like that... or if im outside on a super hot day I guess.


Well-known member
:D sweating is very normal. If we didn´t sweat, we could be in trouble in hot weather. When is sweating excessive? Some people get offended when I ask about their fitness and BMI, but overdressing, while unfit and being fat is a very common cause of excessive sweating. Also slightly defunct or periodically unstable digestion seems to cause excessive sweating. Many people in western societies live their lives balancing on the fence to diabetes, which has also been reported to cause excessive sweating. I´m sure a lot of us would notice less of our problem, if we spent more time trying to stay fit and eating healthy. The excessive sweating seems to be provoked by a number of reasons: I can sweat uncontrollably from one second to the other, from scalp and armpits, if I eat food with chili, mild as it may be, but my main problem: excessive sweating from hands and feet, seems to be stress/allergy related and reinforced by warm weather (probably in conjunction with all the other factors mentioned above :lol: )


Well I guess I just get more nervous than most ppl because I never sweat like that unless im with a girl I have NO idea why... its like i dread so bad talking to girls... EVEN though I know I like them and want them.

Excessive sweating is excessive sweating I guess... I just wanted to narrow down my prob. I think its an underlying prob (instead of sweating actually being the problem) like severe anxiety around girls . And I guess that will go away with time. Right now its a problem though but I dont know why i worry about it cause I know I shouldnt!


Well-known member
I know what you mean. I have had the same problem. For the same reason kept my socks on in bed, because my feet might get cold and clammy. The main thing is though, if the girl is interested in you, she doesn´t seem to pay much attention to whether you have moist hands, and after you have scored her, it´s likely you won´t be sweating that much anymore.


Well-known member
Did you read any of my posts? I don´t mind answering your questions, but it seems as if you haven´t really bothered reading anything about your problem.


Yes i read your posts.... but im confused? you said my sweating will go away as i get more used to her and i believe that really bc i dont sweat unless im in a sitaution like that. my problem is anxiety i think but sweating is just a bad side effect.


Well-known member
This sounds like a very mild case of hyperhidrosis if it is hyperhidrosis at all. It is completely normal to sweat when nervous. If you're sweating uncontrollably when you're just going about your day, that's another story.

Hey, i kinda look like the pick above. lol


Well excessive sweating is symptoms of anxiety attacks or hightened anxiety (for me) so it may not be HH per say but its still a prob for me... Just looking for ways to reduce my anxiety and quit worrying so much.

Like today... I was sick in school felt like crap didnt wanna be there... Im on edge as it is. Then I have to present this video to class and sit up front while watching it and I dont know I hate doin that it rattles my nerves makes me start laughing at anything and a little shaky. All that pressure I guess made me start to sweat then... like a patch under my arms, and my hands go freezing cold and clammy. But then once its over im normal again... although my hands still have a little perspiration for a while sometimes.


Are you saying you dont get anxiety around girls causing you to sweat? i just cant get comfortable around them.