is this anxiety


New member
I don't know if it's anxiety or what but for the past year probly i don't want to meet new people because i don't trust them for shit, i dont know why but i think they are all gonna just fuck me over in the end. I can't be comfortable around new people at all cause as i said i don't trust them at all. Even sometimes when im around good friends im always wondering if they are tryin to fuck me over someway. I dont know if it's anxiety, im just becoming anti social as im getting older, or if im just an asshole. is this anxiety?


New member
I would say that yes, it is anxiety you are experiencing. More than likely in the past you experienced hurt and rejection by a significant other(s) and were deeply hurt. Your psyche has created a means of protection from further hurt by creating a mix of anxiety and paranoia so you avoid intimate relationships with others and hence avoid further rejection. Your anxiety lies at the conscious level of intrapsychic operation, however the real problem, and hence the solution, lies at a deeper (sub-conscious) level where the real pain was experienced. You must heal your hurts at deeper levels and then your anxiety and paranoia will no longer be required to protect your emotional self and will vanish.

This might not have any relevance to your own problem. Its just ive had a similar experience and this is what ive learned from it. Hope it helps.
