Is this anxiety?


Well-known member
Last night (Sunday) my chest felt really tight and it was difficult to breath. I thought for a few seconds I might die. It came out of no where, but since Saturday night I think I had some form of panic attack. I'd rather not explain it, and then the next day at work didn't help at all, and I'd really not like to talk about that either.

Anyway, after work my entire family was at my grandma's house, which we usually all are on a Sunday night but I chose not to go. I went home had a shower and went to go get some food. I actually for the first time in a long time felt fine with being alone and by myself while driving. I was actually happy for a few hours, I excepted I was happy on my own without needing someone with me. I don't know I can't really describe it all I know is I felt genuinely happy. Around 10 that's when I got it and had it since about maybe 2pm today (Monday) when it suddenly went away.

I've had this feeling a couple of times before and its lasted anywhere from a few days to a week. I want to know if it's anxiety or something else. Doe's anyone else get this? This is why I try and suppress being happy because when ever I am happy something bad results from it. :x


Well-known member
It wouldnt be a panic attack
trust me u will know if ya having one
just sounds like an anxiety attack to me but i dunno


Well-known member
I don't have panic attacks any more, learned to control them now. But they seemed more sudden and on the spot than you describe...they were viasable to those around me with obvious panic. People around me at those times would think I was ill or in obvious distress. They only lasted minutes.

Not sure you do know you are having a panic attack, I thought I was dying or had some major heart trouble or something. Or was going to pass out. In my case actually identifying that it was panic attack was my key to stopping them. When I feel that feeling coming I could tell myself it's 'only a panic attack' and that was enough for me to stop the panic. Guess I was panicking about stupid am I!


Well-known member
After a panic attack is the best feeling and i really liked it
once i realized that then they stoped happening


Well-known member
I've heard when you have a panic attack, you hyperventilate, which causes you to breath out too much carbon dioxide(??) which makes you have a chemical imbalance in your blood, which makes your muscles spasm involentarily and painfully and your heart rate speeds way up get more carbon to the muscles. That's why people often mistake their first panic attack as a heart attack and go to the hospital.

I've certainly had "attacks" of panic and anxiety to the point of feeling lightheaded and having tunnel vision, but I've never had a panic attack (thank goodness), that's different.


Well-known member
When I was 13 or 14, every once in a while I would have the symptoms you were talking about, when my chest would tighten up and I would have trouble breathing. To this day I have no idea what that was (growing pains????) but I'm pretty sure they weren't panic attacks.

Where do they hurt? All over your chest, or in one specific place? Mine would hurt at that spot right over my stomach where the ribs meet (ziphoid??) But that would only last 30 seconds or so, not a few days like yours, so I don't know.


Well-known member
Where do they hurt? All over your chest, or in one specific place? Mine would hurt at that spot right over my stomach where the ribs meet (ziphoid??) But that would only last 30 seconds or so, not a few days like yours, so I don't know.[/quote]

Right in the middle of my chest.