first of i want to thank everyone who replied i'm glad you wanted to help me.
reading this forum has been fantastic.
I'd also like to say that as i do not suffer from SA it doesn't mean i don't get anxious. I have learned techniques to control that fear, subconsciously or really making an effort to stop listening to my inner negative voice. I didn't learn those things because i was socially phobic, i learned them so that i would be or could be or might be a happier person. I have made myself aware of when i am being negative and "my way" is saying out loud alone or in company "oh i hate how i sound when i am being negative" the more i say it the more i find out that i do it a lot, the shock was how often i said it.....has my life changed did i win the lottery, have fast cars, win that guys heart...erm no, none of those things , only i just aint so negative, which was my aim. That was enough of a goal for me.
you might read all of the self help books in the world or just buy them and never read them but if you can make a small step then be proud of your step.
Believe me when i say it goes up and down, not 20% of the population or 50 or 60% but 100% of the population can understand that.
The saddest thing for me reading these posts has been people thinking only those with SA can understand, that the rest of us somehow could never get it.
a wee note about the last post, saying that you think people with SA push people away, well yes that happened to me, got pushed away just too often, broke my heart but it doesn't mean i don't want to understand.
i really wish all of you on your journey some peace from this, some respite, an internet hug xx