Is taking an anxiolytic cure for a spoken exam a good idea?

Did you ever take an anxiolytic drug for a spoken exam?

  • Yes, it made my performance possible and I'm satisfied

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, but it "fooled"/"dulled" me and it wasn't good

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I've never taken

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Well-known member
Hi everybody, :)

I wonder if it'd be good to take e. g. 1,125 mg of alprazolam for some spoken (verbal) exam. I mention typical spoken exams and some asinine thing, which is a "presentation" of some subject (topic), done in my native language (I'm curious if there are such exams at you). It's completely useless! And it's going to be horrible without any cures... :(

But I know that some of such cures "stir the mind", you know, and it's not very desired... Although alprazolam is mentioned to be a "not-stiring" medicament, and it doesn't make your mind less effective in any important sphere, as even diazepam.

Am I right? Does any of you some relevant expierience with the mentioned problem? :?:

I've written a 1,125 mg dosis, which may seem quite high, because 0,75 mg had impressed on me only a bit - I've some time ago tried it in much less stressing situation.

Greetings for you all. :)


Well-known member
That sounds like a good idea, but you should ask a professional first. See a physician, pharmacist, psychiatrist, or anyone with the necessary medical training.
Usually when I have something like that, I find it easier if I avoid preparing for it or even thinking of it, then just wing it when the time comes... I usually do pretty well, even when it's not in my native language... but that probably doesn't work for everyone.


Well-known member
mienaino said:
(...) but you should ask a professional first. (...) Usually when I have something like that, I find it easier if I avoid preparing for it or even thinking of it, then just wing it when the time comes...

Well, I've been to some doctor and he has prescripted me just this cure.

I only wonder if it would make my results worse than they could be.

I recently (for maybe a few months) do as you've written; it is quite good way to lessen the stress before such a situation.

Cheers! :)


Active member
Go out to the 7-11 and buy some liqour or a 40... down that then you'll be set for that presentation!!!

haha too bad it ain't to good of an idea, but an idea never the less


Well-known member
Unfortunately, I'll usually (but not always) drink before a presentation. It's tricky because I tend to go overboard. If you drink too much, you will end up looking like a fool or slurring. But then again, I sound like a wreck without drinking, too. A little bit can help cure some nerves, but you really have to know when enough is enough.

I don't know anything about medication or alprazolam.. so I am really know help on your actual question!


Well-known member
Well, I don't think that drinkig is a good idea. It's firstly uncomparably more harmul for the health than such cures. And the 2. reason is that I'm not adult yet - so it'd be rather difficult. And of course, alcohol doesn't act the same as cures.
But if it helps you, why don't use it.

Cheers! :)


Well-known member
I decided to add a poll to this topic - polls are so nice :wink: - to give you all a possibility to vote and compare, if taking an anxiolytic is indicated when going to any spoken exam. Feel free to vote about it.
Cheers for you! :)


Well-known member
qwerty77 said:
Nie wiem po co brać cokolwiek jak to gówno i tak nic nie pomaga.

Jak to "nie pomaga"? :?:

Takie leki zawsze pomagają, to tylko kwestia dawki - żeby nie "pomogły za bardzo"... :lol: :?

Such cures always help, it's the dosis question, but the point is, that they should not "help too much"... you know.



Well-known member
I've recently read again, on some SA forum, that alprazolam is pretty good even for the exams. One hour before, and it'll be easy - the dose must be adjusted, of course - best is to try it earlier in some stressful situation to get the knowledge.

Cheers! :)


Well-known member
But in the higher doses (I don't know exactly, what - it's individual), it can cause the partial amnesia. It can't be afforded anyway! :!:


Well-known member
I've a suggestion to the mods - can this topic be sticked, as it's pretty important and refers to overall on-benzodiazepine presentation 8O or exam problem as well. It's only a suggestion, but it'd be pretty fine, I think.

Cheers to you! :D