Is OCD and Compulsive Mood Disorder the same?


I was diagnosed with MSD or MDS(I can't remember which) and they said that it was a Compulsive Mood Disorder a branch of OCD and not OCD itself. See they found in an EKG that my mind runs in a rythem of 5. When I have a mood swing my mind has a tendancy to miscount to 6 and that's were my compulsions come from. My compulsions are towards people. I have to talk to the last person I interacted with face to face. It's humiliating and I want to know what I can do for it without medication. Maybe therapy? Anybody know exactly what this disorder is?


Maybe you just have compulsions and not obsessions? Best medication for OCD is Anafrinil.


Well-known member
OCD has a spectrum of disorders. OCD is also comorbid with many other disorders so it's possible to have OCD + something else. Various possibilities. You need to research your symptoms thoroughly and get the proper diagnosis. Best of luck to you.