Is life worth living and if so, why?


Most of the time I can't see the point! If it wasn't for my children I'm sure I wouldn't be here today!


Dietcoke, i'm really sorry to hear that you feel that way.

I know it's hard but never give up or lose faith - as long as you keep fighting and exploring different ways of fighting the problem you'll get there.
Try and list the positive things in your life and focus hard on them. Make a list too of the negative things and think of ways to improve them, taking one step at a time. Try and keep your chin up


Well-known member
People ask why live life...Why not live life? Even if it sucks total shit and seems unbearable why kll urself? Just be here and experiance what this is and do it for whatever unknown reason and don't take it too seriously, because alot of it doesn't matter at all. It does end eventually because we all die so why not just wait it out if not for the experiance of just being here.


Well-known member
Having had almost manic depression that crept up on me slowly as i came to grips with what i had and that there was little i could do. I can definitely feel what you do right now, this in no cliche', half the people on these forums would have gone through it at some time or rather.
To be honest I was all but ready to leave, it seemed better to rest than keep living the way i was.
But i had a little hope that one day i could experience love and happiness, that i could enjoy life and all the wonderful things that can still happen to me.
Another reason is that my parents have done all they can to give me a chance at a better life and i still have a massive yearning to make them proud of me and 'pay them back' for these incredible gifts they have given me. I can at least try.


Well-known member
You have to find your own niche in life and go from there.Get hobbies.Make a list of things you want to do.

Most important thing to remember is your life is just not about you.You have children and they have to come first.Think of how they would feel if something happen to you.I know it's easier said then done but it will make you stronger in the end.


Well-known member
I don't know the point. I suggest you make yourself quit wondering. Take one day at a time. Enjoy the small things. Try to stay in the minute, not the past or future. Exercise is proven to help depression.
I'm on meds and they work pretty well, most of the time. I still have to follow the above advice to keep on keeping on.


Well-known member
Right now i have nothing to live for. i have no job, no friends, no kids, no boyfriend, no hobbies because i'm too scared to do one but i do have my family.. I always beat myself up and i'm always jealous of other people because they can do things that i find hard to do. Sometimes i have suicide thoughts but i try to push them aside coz i don't really want to do it, it's just when this SA comes over me i think like that. But i do think what's the point in living my life, and trying to do things when i'm worried sick i won't fit in. :( I think about wanting to go to college again (i did go but i left because it was too hard for me to cope with the people and they were mean, but only because they didn't really understand my problem) but i keep thinking no i can't go, i won't fit in, it'll be the same as before. AS with getting a job, i would love a job, but i'm worried sick i won't be able to get on with the people there coz of SP. :(


Well-known member
Dietcoke and Lotrsfan:to Lotrsfan,you have answered the question by your statement, "Right now.." No, right now you don't have these things you listed. But as long as we have a tomorrow we have a chance for things to get better. Death is final, there are no more chances. In life we have chances and opportunities for change. I have suffered quite a bit in my life and used to think things would never get any better I even tried suicide but God spared me and helped me. He will do the same for anyone who asks. It may not happen instantaneously, or it may but God does Help people, I am living proof.


Well-known member
Yes, it is worth living, and that damn scientist better be in their labs searching for a fucking cure for SP, or i'll change my point of view :x

Yes life is worth living if you would live all by yourself on Earth and wouldn't be expected to have social interaction in order to get ahead through life. :?


Well-known member
socratic said:
A lot of people will ask the similar question, what is the meaning of life, as in generally, why is life here in the universe? Which would explain why we are here. I'm not sure if the human mind can comprehend the answer to that question, which would make it hard for us to answer the whole point of us being here. All we can do is speculate that there is no point to life, or, that we are very special and the warm centre of the universe, either way, we can't prove a thing indefinately.
I thought about this a lot and i think that a basic meaning of life is this, drum roll please.....1. No i've not been smoking crack and watching sesame street. Each of us has one meaning in life. It is upto you to find what it is.
I read the book, feel the fear and do it anyway, by susan jeffs and i'd recommend that to anyone, it'll help you out a lot, and she said that when youre ill your body will let you know by having symptoms. If your sinus get infected you sneeze and get all snotty, etc. When you experience feelings such as those caused by social phobia then you may be uncomfortable in certain situations, you may get depressed or angry. Its your minds way of telling you, something- is -wrong- with -your -life. She described it like planes. Theyre guided by computers and they never fly a straight path. When the computer senses the plane moving too much off course it corrects it, so instead of it flying a perfect straight line, its like flying in a zig zag. Thats like your life. You never have an easy ride and thats why you have social phobias and bad patches in life. Its your minds way of telling you youre off the flight path. When you sort your issues out then you'll be back on the correct flight path and your life will be ok again. I think its a pretty good use of a metaphor.
A lot of people get beat by their phobias and give up on themselves, i think its a good incentive to find something you love and put everything youve got into it. Its not like trying to avoid the issue of thinking your lifes empty and filling it with something, just so you dont go nuts. Everybody has something they like to do, so why not say hell to fear and do it? You could get killed by falling space debris tomorrow and the last thing youd be thinking would be damn, i wanted to do all those things before i died. GO AND DO THEM, theres absolutley nothing but your fear to stop you. Only you can find that 1 thing, no one will give it to you and it wont come to you, you have to get up and find it. Another susan jeffs metaphor is, boats weren't made for staying in the docks, they were made for sailing in stormy seas. :)

wow inspirational. I found my meaning of life a long time ago or at least I told myself I did. So far it works. Despite having social phobia I have a really positive outlook on life im determined to be sucessful to prove people wrong.

No matter how hard life hits u gotta keep moving forward.


Well-known member
renegade said:
Yes, it is worth living, and that damn scientist better be in their labs searching for a fucking cure for SP, or i'll change my point of view :x

Hahah.. yea that damn scientest better be doing his job right now!

lol.. :lol:

and i guess for me, it's just here and there, sometimes i dont wanna live this life anymore and sometimes i do. for now i'll just see it as ups n downs..
but everytime im down, i soon find many reasons as to why i would still wanna live and continue doing the things i like, not to mention, the FOOD i like.. i dont know. i guess my fav food is what's keeping me going occasionally.. lol

stil, if something were to happen to us and just ended this life for us by an unnatural cause of death, of course without any intention by us and without us inflicting any self harm in this process, that would be great!

in the sense that, we don't have to go through this unnecessary fear and troublesome life.
then again, i guess, maybe there really is so much more to live for while we're still alive and if we keep on living and dont end it on our own. i don't know. :roll:


New member
Being down

Most of the time barring the odd occasion where I feel okay about things I would rather lock the gates close up the curtains lock the doors and sit in front of the fire with my cat for all eternity.

Unfortunately this isnt possible.


Well-known member
Even if there was a definitive answer to the importance of your existence would it matter?

There's basically only 2 reasons for living.

a) you are religious and your superior being says it is important so that is why you live.


b) you believe life is important and you make up your own reason whether it is for your kids or whatever.

Life is important because you are alive, but that is a circular argument which can never be answered just like the chicken/egg question.


Well-known member
if i have a life..may be i would consider living it up..but what if u feel shitty all the time every single day u wake up n' afraid of the world..i know i might sound like a coward..but I know for sure compare to the normal ppl out there im NO COWARD..its just that i have SP..n' its makin feel this way..SP is makin me hate my life :x... im still alive just for my mom and my brother..he's 16 so he's still growing up i cant leave him my dad left me (died) when i was 5... aneways may be when he is 20 or 21 i might consider ending my life so it wont affect him dat much... dats my plan aneways..i just hate life!!.. oh by the way im smoking like 3 cigeret packs day..its da easiest way to kill ur self..slowly..


Well-known member
Lotrsfan said:
Right now i have nothing to live for. i have no job, no friends, no kids, no boyfriend, no hobbies because i'm too scared to do one but i do have my family.. I always beat myself up and i'm always jealous of other people because they can do things that i find hard to do. Sometimes i have suicide thoughts but i try to push them aside coz i don't really want to do it, it's just when this SA comes over me i think like that. But i do think what's the point in living my life, and trying to do things when i'm worried sick i won't fit in. :( I think about wanting to go to college again (i did go but i left because it was too hard for me to cope with the people and they were mean, but only because they didn't really understand my problem) but i keep thinking no i can't go, i won't fit in, it'll be the same as before. AS with getting a job, i would love a job, but i'm worried sick i won't be able to get on with the people there coz of SP. :(
i know exactly how you feel. i always feel like such a loser . im not smart its hard for me to get a job because of my sa and because i have various health problems.
i keep telling myself if im the same situation when im 30 i think im just going to end my existance.


Well-known member
Jegan said:
if i have a life..may be i would consider living it up..but what if u feel shitty all the time every single day u wake up n' afraid of the world..i know i might sound like a coward..but I know for sure compare to the normal ppl out there im NO COWARD..its just that i have SP..n' its makin feel this way..SP is makin me hate my life :x... im still alive just for my mom and my brother..he's 16 so he's still growing up i cant leave him my dad left me (died) when i was 5... aneways may be when he is 20 or 21 i might consider ending my life so it wont affect him dat much... dats my plan aneways..i just hate life!!.. oh by the way im smoking like 3 cigeret packs day..its da easiest way to kill ur self..slowly..

yea i can relate.
i dont know whether to end my life though.
that's a Big question. whether to live or not.
tough to answer.

still looking for reasons to live i suppose. really looking.


Active member
Of course life is worth living,you only have 1 life,a short one at that.There are many great things in this world to go see and do,you cant let your current situation determin whether lifes worth living.So many things i want to do and such a short amount of time,surely you have places you want to go,things you want to see? live for them if nothing else.