A lot of people will ask the similar question, what is the meaning of life, as in generally, why is life here in the universe? Which would explain why we are here. I'm not sure if the human mind can comprehend the answer to that question, which would make it hard for us to answer the whole point of us being here. All we can do is speculate that there is no point to life, or, that we are very special and the warm centre of the universe, either way, we can't prove a thing indefinately.
I thought about this a lot and i think that a basic meaning of life is this, drum roll please.....1. No i've not been smoking crack and watching sesame street. Each of us has one meaning in life. It is upto you to find what it is.
I read the book, feel the fear and do it anyway, by susan jeffs and i'd recommend that to anyone, it'll help you out a lot, and she said that when youre ill your body will let you know by having symptoms. If your sinus get infected you sneeze and get all snotty, etc. When you experience feelings such as those caused by social phobia then you may be uncomfortable in certain situations, you may get depressed or angry. Its your minds way of telling you, something- is -wrong- with -your -life. She described it like planes. Theyre guided by computers and they never fly a straight path. When the computer senses the plane moving too much off course it corrects it, so instead of it flying a perfect straight line, its like flying in a zig zag. Thats like your life. You never have an easy ride and thats why you have social phobias and bad patches in life. Its your minds way of telling you youre off the flight path. When you sort your issues out then you'll be back on the correct flight path and your life will be ok again. I think its a pretty good use of a metaphor.
A lot of people get beat by their phobias and give up on themselves, i think its a good incentive to find something you love and put everything youve got into it. Its not like trying to avoid the issue of thinking your lifes empty and filling it with something, just so you dont go nuts. Everybody has something they like to do, so why not say hell to fear and do it? You could get killed by falling space debris tomorrow and the last thing youd be thinking would be damn, i wanted to do all those things before i died. GO AND DO THEM, theres absolutley nothing but your fear to stop you. Only you can find that 1 thing, no one will give it to you and it wont come to you, you have to get up and find it. Another susan jeffs metaphor is, boats weren't made for staying in the docks, they were made for sailing in stormy seas.