Is It true that in the USA exists clinics only for SAD???

Is this true? I am from Croatia and no one ever heard for something like social phobia. Of course, doctors are familiar with this disorder but they are not enough informed about it.There are relativly many people here suffering from SP but they are thinkin that they are alone and that they are some kinda of freaks or weirdous.I found out wich meds would be the best form me over the internet sites from United States, then I insisted that doctor prescibe me those meds (seroxat and Klonopin) and now I am feeling great!
Yeah! I think that I was misdiagnosed. Back in 2005 when I wasnt inform about SP I was so desperate that I took a lots of alcohol and I went to the Pscyihiatric hospital and screamd to the first doctor I saw.I told him: "Dear doctor, give me please anykind of injection beacuse I cant live like this anymore" Of course, he grab my arm and locked me in a hospital for a month.He diagnosed me a F 60.3 emotionaly unstable peronality disorder.
But I believe that that is not my real diagnose.I screamed at him beacuse of my desperation for living with social phobia.