Is it possible to think none of this SA matters?


Well-known member
After another hours thinking about SA, I am wondering if the answer to overcoming SA is to make the current problem of fearing negative judgement no longer a problem.

Speaking purely for myself for how I suffer, my SA has been brought about by negative thinking patterns - bad experiences, negative feedback, negative self belief, negative self esteem, negative image of myself, negative beliefs of how people judge me, etc, etc, etc - negative thinking patterns has been the reasons I have so little confidence, why I am so self conscious, so little belief in myself, why I fear situations, etc, etc - which started from years of name calling, ridicule, insults, put downs, teasing, etc at high school and college. I am not sure how many people feel their problems are down to negative thinking patterns like mine.

It just strikes me that there is so much to try and correct in terms of changing negatives into positives in order to have confidence in myself, to have self belief, to gain self esteem, to believe I am good enough, to believe people are not thinking negatives of me, to not fearing situations incase of negative feedback, to not be self conscious, etc, etc.

Wouldn't it be quickest and most effective and efficient to work at not being afraid of negatives ever again? At the end of the day we are some what obsessed with negatives, we have placed so much importance on people judging, we are so sensitive to people judging us negatively, that its such a big deal if we don't do something perfect. Maybe we need to work on being able to handle rejection, negative feedback and to not give a toss about it. I mean if someone thinks negative of us then that is their right, but its one person's views, it does not mean its fact. We have to be ourselves and live life 100% as we want to, not 20% because we are living a life restricted because of worrying about how we will be received.

What does it matter? We think its such a big deal, but is it really? We have all heard other people being judged negatively, whether its personality, looks, intelligence, way they sound, etc, etc, infact almost everyone has received negative feedback, but does it really matter? Come half an hour afterwards people are thinking of different things, what one says about someone does not mean everyone else thinks it. For instance at work I pointed out to my friend this girl I really fancy, I like her for many reasons, and my friend said she was a minger (an ugly person). His opinion doesn't change the way I think of her. So if people say negative things of yourself, its one people's opinions, and so what if someone doesn't like us, it doesn't really matter, we are not in danger or anything. There are billions of people on this earth, not everyone is going to like us.

I just think maybe the reason to overcome this is to learn to not be sensitive to be judged negatively. i.e. if we know we are a good person and we try our best to be nice to people, try our best to look our best, then that is the very best we can do. We are unique and if our best is not good enough for someone then they can do one. We can do no more than our best so why worry?

If we went into situations or around people and did not fear what they think of us because all that is important is that we are who we are - we know we are a good person, negatives mean nothing because they don't mean anything at the end of the day, we do not care what they think of us because we are who we are and how we are so they can like it or lump it, etc - then we would not have negative thoughts, we would not doubt ourselves, we would not feel self conscious, we would not be worried how people are judging us, and therefore SA would not exist.

It may take some work but surely its possible to get to a point where we do not care, because surely loads of people do not care what people think of them. It just requires looking at negatives in a very different way.

What do you think?


Well-known member
I know no one has replied to this post, but after a couple hours thinking today, I am so excited, I absolutely convinced this is the way to beat SA.

I have been so afraid of being judged negatively for so long that I have just automatically feared being judged negatively out of habbit, but after only covering a small amount of trying to understand what does it I do get judged negatively, I realise it doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter. If anyone wants to chat about this, please pm me or write here and I will go into more detail of what I have been doing.

The definition of social anxiety is the fear and anxiety of being judged and evaluated negatively by other people, leading to feelings of inadequacy, embarrassment, humiliation, and depression.
Therefore if we fear being judged negatively by people, the answer is to not fear being judged negatively, simple as that. If we don't fear being judged negatively because we have desensitised negative judgements on us - because they simply do not matter, then we will not have SA, we will not fear what people think of us, we will go about our life living it 100% as we want to and not care what anyone thinks of us.

And that doesn't mean you will become a bad person - i.e. if you don't care what people think you may think right now that you may upset people and offend people's feelings. But that is wrong, I mean I like the person I am, I know I wouldn't offend anyone, I will just have the confidence to be myself - just like everyone in the world who doesn't have SA - they don't fear being judged negatively but they still remain nice people in the whole.

I am so convinced I will beat SA by thinking this way and it won't even take long. But I would like to discuss this with people because I want to get more opinions and put my full argument across, because I am sure some people will be sceptical of this and think it cannot work, but it can!


Well-known member
I like your thinking and I certainly agree that if we could stop the sensitivity and the negative knee-jerk reaction when something socially goes wrong, then we could beat SA.

The solution is there, its just so difficult to stop being sensitive about negative reactions from other people. Even knowing the fact that being less sensitive would mean more confidence, being happier and being less SA - its still so difficult not to break down after something negative happens. We are drivin by what others think, by our high expectations of ourselves and our need to want to fit in. All that adds up to a difficult time when trying to block the sensitive reaction. And I've personally found its so difficult to lie to our brains. We know when someone says something bad about us, that many times there is some measure of truth and we are constantly trying to analyze and correct problems so we can fit and meet our internal expectations.

We certainly need to figure out some ways to stop the sensitive reaction. Can you or anyone think of more specific ways to better block? Most of our reaction seems to be an overreaction based on some minor truth or problem. The more we react, the greater the anxiety becomes. Then we react harder because we dont like being anxious and shy and scared, which only creates more of a reaction and more anxiety. We need to be more realistic, thats for sure. I wish there was a shut-off valve on our heads. Can medidation and things like that teach our brains to shut off better and not react? or is it so primal, that nothing can stop the reaction?

Thanks the interesting posts CharlieHungerford. You have many great ideas and thoughts.


Well-known member
Hi Charlie,
I didn't really read all of your post, but yes, basically we let negitive things affect us way to much. I think we also greatly amplify negitive things and tend to assume things (like what people say) are negitve when maybe they really aren't . You're right, we need to stop worrying so much about negitive and start thinking more positive.

Some random thoughts on this:

The way one views an event (negitive/ positive) is based on their prior psychologial conditioning. Meaning that two people can react totally differnt and be effected by the same event in a totally different way.

One thing we do is "give up power" to other people. We let them have power over us. A person may say something that effects you for days and it had no effect on them at all. They are going on with the lifes and you are still wonded by what they did. We need to stop this. Some times we need to "fight back" a little. I bet allot of us don't really stick up for ourselfs, then feel worse because of it. There is risk in "fighting back", but it is real good for your self esteem. Simply do not allow people to have power over you.

If someone makes a rude remark to you or puts you down, you now know allot about that person and they really don't know anything about you.

The good news is there are allot of "screwed up" people in the world.
The bad news is there are allot of "screwed up" people in the world.
So don't think that every one you incounter is really a good person and you are a total loser. Some people are indeed assholes and its not your fault. See you can feel better about yourself knowing that at least you are not them.

hope some of this helps and makes sence.


Well-known member
phoenix1 said:
I like your thinking and I certainly agree that if we could stop the sensitivity and the negative knee-jerk reaction when something socially goes wrong, then we could beat SA.

The solution is there, its just so difficult to stop being sensitive about negative reactions from other people. Even knowing the fact that being less sensitive would mean more confidence, being happier and being less SA - its still so difficult not to break down after something negative happens. We are drivin by what others think, by our high expectations of ourselves and our need to want to fit in. All that adds up to a difficult time when trying to block the sensitive reaction. And I've personally found its so difficult to lie to our brains. We know when someone says something bad about us, that many times there is some measure of truth and we are constantly trying to analyze and correct problems so we can fit and meet our internal expectations.

We certainly need to figure out some ways to stop the sensitive reaction. Can you or anyone think of more specific ways to better block? Most of our reaction seems to be an overreaction based on some minor truth or problem. The more we react, the greater the anxiety becomes. Then we react harder because we dont like being anxious and shy and scared, which only creates more of a reaction and more anxiety. We need to be more realistic, thats for sure. I wish there was a shut-off valve on our heads. Can medidation and things like that teach our brains to shut off better and not react? or is it so primal, that nothing can stop the reaction?

Thanks the interesting posts CharlieHungerford. You have many great ideas and thoughts.

Yeah I got a reply fantastic, thanks Phoenix.

I really don't think it is that hard to change being so sensitive about negative reactions. We are only sensitive right now because of negative thinking patterns, we are stuck in a way of thinking that it is so terrible to be judge negatively, we just have to see the reality of negatives. But the truth is it doesn't have to hurt at all - if you think about negatives in a correct and positive way.

I wrote down 16 questions aimed at analysing what is the big deal if we get judged negatively. I have only answered 2 so far and already I realise that being judged negatively really doesn't matter at all.

Say someone judged me as ugly, that would have hurt me in the past, I am sure it would hurt many people who read this, but that was looking at things the wrong way.

Ok, someone judges me as ugly, so what? There are so many people on this earth, some people will think I am ugly, some people will think I am ok and average, some people may like how I look. One person's opinion is just one person's opinion, it doesn't mean its a fact. But everyone is allowed to have that view, just like we have views on how people look.
So one person has called me ugly, I need to take it in the correct way, to think so what - I am the person I am, if they don't like me so what, its just one person, they probably think the same of many people, its a shame of them that they are so shallow and narrow minded. Why should I be bothered about what one person thinks who has bene mean about me? Someone who thinks bad of me should have no impact on how I think of myself. I have to think that is their problem, this is who I am, like it or lump it.
I will still go home at the end of the day and be in no danger, what that person thought of me will soon have been forgotten and no one is thinking of me. Why dwell on it? We all have flaws, to some we will be judged that way, but so what? Still billion or so people out there who can like us. When others have had negative feedback such as someone saying someone is ugly, what do I think? Well it is one person's opinion, I think they are mean and shallow to judge someone like that as no one is perfect, but it doesn't mean I think like that about them.
What about people we think do not look good? We have judged someone negatively, but should that person feel bad about it? No, because they don't know we have judged them badly (if we don't know how someone has judged us we shouldn't catastrophise that they think the worst, but even if they do so what, it doesn't matter - its just one person). So we have thought someone looks bad for some reason, it has no impact on them, what we think is just our opinion. Does it make it fact? No, we all like different things. But what we think of someone should have no impact on how they think of themselves.
Life goes on, if you take negative feedback as being no big deal whatsoever and we can say fair enough that is their opinion, but not to worry, then we will not care what people think. There is a huge amount of more detail than that to go into, but as you can see negatives don't need to be taken so sensitively.

If you disagree with any of this - you tell me why it should be a big deal to be called or judged negatively such as ugly or boring by someone. What does it matter? Why be so upset or fear this to the extremes we do? Obviously we need to desensitse all criticism from being judged as anything we dislike - whether its weird, ugly, boring, dim, miserable, etc.


Well-known member
Another example,

If I was on a training course for work and everyone had to introduce themselves to a room full of people and say something about themselves, its a situation a lot of people hate. Just for the point of this example lets say someone else not me, not you, but someone else really messes up, they get tongue tied, everyone is looking at them and they cannot get there words out properly, they say something a bit stupid too and look really upset afterwards.
They may think 'Oh no, I have made such a fool of myself, people will think we are weird and strange'.

Ok, so what does it matter? Some people may think oh my god what is wrong with that person and look at them very oddly. But so what? Imagine I thought they are really weird, what a strange person. So what? Does it matter what I think? I will soon forget about it and I am only judging them on one performance - on a situation that a lot of people hate doing. Its just my opinion (an opinion I wouldn't really think in reality), it doesn't make it fact. Infact most people when they see someone struggle to cope with their nerves and lack of confidence, people really wish them good and understand and give them a big clap afterwards and say well done. So what if that person messes up in front of everyone? Is there life going to change? No. That person has to realise that people will think they are a bit odd and strange after that performance, but realise it is not the real person that they are, they were so anxious, when people get to see the real person they are they will see a very different person. But people are allowed that opinion on the person who messed up, but it doesn't matter. They are just one person and surely they have messed up in the past or had an embarrassing moment, it still leaves a billion or so people who didn't see that moment you messed up. And anyway, everyone messes up, we are all only human.

I know there is a lot more detail to go into but am just showing that you don't have to think so sensitive about negative experiences. You can laugh it off and think who cares - it doesn't matter.

Just think - can you remember judging anyone negatively in the past? I can't but I know I have done many times - its soon all forgotten. Can you remember someone else's embarrassing moments or when someone has been judged negatively? I really can't. And even if I could so what?

Negatives do not matter. They really don't. But you have to analyse your beliefs about negatives in order to put them right and look at things in a different way.


Well-known member
You are right.
But changing your 'core beliefs' don't come easily. Most SAers understand on a cognitive level that their fear is irrational - but are still afraid and anxious.
Altering that fearsome, negative belief into a more rational, balanced and realistic belief is the whole idea behind - dare I say it - CBT.