Is it normal to put on a accent?


Well-known member
I been putting on a accent since i was a little kid, when our family moved from Ireland to England.To fit in me and my brother kinda addopted or purposely put on a english type accent.Then we moved to Canada and when we went to school we put on a Canadian sounding accentand when we came home to our parents we talked with our irish accent.

Eventually when i moved back to Ireland in 1990 i decided i wanted to drop the accent thing.But i noticed it became like automatic whenever i talked to people other than my parents.That i would unnintentionally talk with my Canadian accent.I found it tough to sound like i was irish and whenever i opened my mouth my brain would spout out the Canadian sounding accent lol.

Is it normal for people to put on accents, unintentionally or intentionally?

For eg: 5 minutes ago i was using my xbox 360 and some stranger who added me to their friends list wanted to me chat with them over the microphone.I didnt really want to chat, i dont like chatting over the mic.But i heard myself using the Canadian accent thing lol. 8O . I chatted a bit with the person and then said i had to go, but i didnt really have to.But i was not comfortable talking on the mic.Didnt know what the hell to say haha.


Well-known member

Its funny though, i sme things i say i sound like im Irish sounding and other times i sound more Canadian sounding.Weird mix haha :lol:


Well-known member
I think it's normal to talk in accents. Recently I took trips to London and Canada, and have found myself trying to emulate the people's accents around me. kinda cool actually


Well-known member
the irish accent is the best! I would love to have it. Certainly beats having a east enders style accent. (doesnt go down to well in the brittish midlands I TELL THEE)


Well-known member
Like Scatmantom said above, the Irish accent is the best, one of the few things that makes me go weak at the knees is a nice female irish accent :D there is just somthing about it.

As for channging your accent its just you trying to fit in with who your are with at the time to make life easier, i wouldnt look to much into it.


Well-known member

Well i dont think i mean to put it on per say like i did when i was a kid.But its more like automatic now, like a brain reflex action or something.


Well-known member
Yea that perfectly normal .You have to remember that's how you learn to talk when you was I kid and you can easly slip back in to it sometime with out even knowing it.


I'd say it's a good thing to have for someone with Social Phobia, because using an accent similar to the people around you would avoid drawing attention to yourself; something most social phobia sufferers hate.


Well-known member
yea, i think i sound quite posh/articulate cos i pronounce every letter in a word, so i put on a cockney accent to fit in. lol i feel like such a prick when i do dis.


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Lots of people change their accents a bit when they're talking to different people. My mum has a 'posh' telephone voice she uses for strangers. It an insecurity thing. People who are really confident in themselves always sound the same...whoever they talk to.
I had a friend at college who was Welsh & had a lovely accent...then she got an Irish boyfriend...& started talking in an Irish accent. Everyone knew she was Welsh & it unnerved a lot of people...people like to know who they're talking to...but it was only because she had no confidence to be herself.
I hate my own accent...& if I ever move to another area I'll try my hardest to drop it!
I'd say...which ever sounds the nicest...stick with it...Although Canadian & Irish are both nice :)


What the???? No it's not normal to put on a fake accent in your day-to-day life! Well, just as normal as making up a fake name and fake personality. I can't believe all the people who replied saying it's normal!


Well-known member
yeah it's toatally normal it's all to do with fitting in

i did it when i moved to a different county in the uk