is he love shy or not into me


Okay. There's this guy I like.
He's really cute and he works at a library. He's honestly everything I'd want physically. I notice when I come in he won't look at me. He acts strange and nervous like he's avoiding me. Before he used to talk to me and be playful. He accidently fumbled and dropped papers infront of me and now he's being really weird. Last week I came by, and for the first time he looked at me. He looked into my eyes and then he was checking me out. Today I seen him I was at the grocery store picking up food for my friend and he was in line. I seen him and I panicked and walked away. I noticed he noticed me and he was watching me walk away...

I don't know what to do or say to him. He acts weird around me and Im acting like a little girl around him to! What's going on have no idea how to talk to him!
It's possible he is shy. I have social anxiety, but when I was younger it was more shyness. If I liked a guy it would be noticeable at first, but then I would actually turn in the other direction and not make any eye contact. This happened on more than one occasion.

Unfortunately it is more acceptable for a female to be shy, and a male will make more of an effort to make a move. However, for a male I can only imagine it would be harder to be male and shy (okay anyone can challenge me on this, and I will understand). However, I knew a guy (that was a friend of my boyfriends...when I was younger) that was absolutely good looking but couldn't make any move to show a girl that he was interested in them. He was panic stricken.

It's hard for anyone, but I suggest to make the first move. At least you tried, and then you know.

Sorry, I have no idea what that first move would be since I have social anxiety. Honestly if I was single I couldn't imagine doing it...however in my head I know it makes sense to at least try....I know sounds hypocritical doesn't it??

Hope that helps at least a little bit...


Well-known member
Maybe he's shy or just has some anxiety but also some ppl feed into other's anxiety as well. Maybe he's nervous because he senses that you are.