Is financial success possible?


It is possible. The internet has opened up alot of avenues for people to make good livings from home. I would focus on beating the SA, but in the meantime you can learn about home and internet business from places like:

This is a site I put up a while back, just to learn how to make websites.

And many more...

Hope that helps.


Active member
I've dabbled in the affiliate marketing game for a while, but haven't seen any kind of livable income from it. Oh well, maybe one of these days.


Well-known member
I guess it depends on how SA effects you. It effects everyone differently. At all the jobs i've been at, Ive always been the best worker, gotten promotions, and have been very successful, which is because I dont socialize! I always try keeping myself busy as possible to avoid social situations because Im scarde of them and my managers saw that as a hard worker. lol When it comes to talking about work im fine, but when everyone is in the lunch room socializing about their lives, im so uncomfortable and anxious. So I guess its just how it effects you. Im the most comfortable when Im in an office, by myself.


Well-known member
shy_miss_fly said:
I guess it depends on how SA effects you. It effects everyone differently. At all the jobs i've been at, Ive always been the best worker, gotten promotions, and have been very successful, which is because I dont socialize! I always try keeping myself busy as possible to avoid social situations because Im scarde of them and my managers saw that as a hard worker. lol When it comes to talking about work im fine, but when everyone is in the lunch room socializing about their lives, im so uncomfortable and anxious. So I guess its just how it effects you. Im the most comfortable when Im in an office, by myself.

Wow, that could've been written by me word-for-word. What is it about our brains that makes it so difficult for us to socialise? You'd think that evolution would've weeded out people like us by now, since it would've been hard to survive on your own back in the cave men times.

Anyway, on the subject of financial success, I think it would be difficult if you were housebound. The only thing that springs to mind would be trading shares or something, but I guess that requires some money to start with!

I guess if you had some really good ideas then you could try and make money from that somehow, and let other people implement them.

What are you good at?


Well-known member
College is waaay wayyyyy waaayyyyyyy over-rated, thousands of people do a whole degree and then work in McDonalds

there are plenty of things you can do from home if you work hard enough.. such as web design, writing/journalism, art, online trading, prostitution, research, crafts etc

however if all you want to do is earn a lot of money, yes socialphobia will make that more difficult, but not impossible


Well-known member
Social anxiety has been aptly referred to as the "disorder of lost opportunities" and is unfortunately linked with a diminished quality of life in comparison to the average. As has been mentioned in the previous posts, it is not out of the realm of possibility, however, I doubt the statistics are favourable.


Active member
shy_miss_fly, I agree with you 100%. When I do work, I get several compliments about my job performance. I basically act like I'm on speed when I'm working, so I can do my job without any social confrontations. And yes, the 'breakroom' situation is the brutal part of my job.

I guess my only talent is some web design, which I learned on my own. I've never even picked up a book on the subject. But I've been to several freelance sites, and I couldn't even begin to compete with most of the people bidding on jobs there.

But my real passion is the ocean. I'd love to find work in the keys or someplace warm like that. I am aware though, that this is a somewhat unrealistic goal. I know several people would love to make the same kind of move. I even contemplated underwater welding at one point, as I did get my divers licence. But I took a welding course, and discovered since Im such a shaky individual, that I was absolutely horrible at it, and this, combined with my nerves being fried from everyone around me, decided to drop out.

As bad as my social anxiety is (and trust me, its BAD), I still have that adventurous spirit in me. I've been on several spur of the moment road trips, in fact I went down to florida with my brother and 40 bucks in our pockets just a few months ago. Unfortunately, with no college education, and no real job experience, it seems impossible to find a job that pays enough just so I can afford my own place. And I can't even stress enough how much I HATE living with my mom, let alone living in this STATE.


Well-known member
ignisfatuus said:
Social anxiety has been aptly referred to as the "disorder of lost opportunities" .

Wow. That's my life in a nutshell!

A bachelor's degree is overrated, as Horatio says-- you really need a master's these days. I have a bachelor's and ten years of work experience, and yet am making quite a bit less than some people do right out of school. Add in some bad luck, and there I am-- the financial disaster I am today. :)


Well-known member
Im reading a great book at the moment called the 'Barefoot investor' by Scott Peck. It is a really funny and straight forward approach to money handling and securing a sound financial future. I have already started to implement some of his advice and I am seeing the payoffs (pardon the pun). So goodluck to everyone who is trying to earn/ save/ invest more money, maybe we will be the next millionaires. 8)


Well-known member
Financial succes ? Yes it is, if you work hard and really like what you do.

It all comes to carrier. First u got to have the studies. That was no problem for me, I had no trouble with school, I was always among the best students, good grades and I really enjoyed learning, I was never good at socializing but i thought this problem would solve itself in time, and I focused on my studies.

I graduated the best high school in town, then I went to follow a college, so I moved to another city in order to do that. First semester was ok, high grades, I even got a schoolarship, but inside I was crying cause I wasn't able to socialize with anyone here and all my friends were left behind.

So things became preety shitty for me and the second semester, I begin ruminating and thinking about the use of education if you're not happy, what is the reason to study for ? Money, a succesfull carrier ? I don't want that, I want a normal carrier, some money to survive, I was an adult now, bye bye adolescence, I was thinking of my future so much...All I could have was a carreer, that was it, no friends, no family, no one to care for, just me in my money in front of the monitor all my life.

So that is when my severe depression kicked in and I couldn't do anything cause I was like a zombie all the time and I failed all my exams. I managed to pass them in secound round though, although i saw no use of the education no more, hell, I saw no use living cause things seemed to never change, so I saw my life as a nightmare, all alone with nobody, rejected by society.

I'm now back on my studies, although I see no peasure or motivation no more regarding education, I thought of it as a way to achive happiness, cause friends and my having my own family one day would come to me naturally. I dunno, but making a friend seems much much harder than a complicated math exercise.

So I'm not gonna put an accent on carrier no more, cause a succesfull carieer won't bring me happines, it is just to guarantee your money needed to live from one day to another, that is all.

Sorry for telling my life story here, but this is what I think about carieer.

I would more prefer of having a girlfriend and a lousy job and few money, just enough to live instead of being succesfull and aprecciated for my proffesional achievments, cause those things never helped me in school. Getting angry now so I'll stop here, don't gonna check this post for spelling mistakes or repeting myself cause I just don't give a damn... :evil:


New member
I believe there is spiral effect - more confidence leads to more money. More money leads to more confidence... Just to need to make the first step upwards.