Is anyone else spending Christmas alone for the first time?


Well-known member
Hey guys, It's been a long time since I posted here and the reason is really that I pretty much managed to 90% cure my SA after struggling with it for most of my life. But I'm here to ask if any of you are spending Christmas alone this year for the first time? I recently split up with my girlfriend of 5 years and suddenly find myself in a position where all my friends are with their partners for Christmas, like I would have been, or with their families and I don't really have any family I could spend Christmas with. So for me Christmas is cancelled. I have no tree, no presents, no turkey and I'm planning on working on Christmas Day (I'm self employed) to distract me from the fact that it's Christmas. I'm not even down about it, well not really, but looking at it as a new experience as part of my positive outlook on life. It's just the first time that I realised if you are single and have no family and your friends are all very family orientated, it could be a regular thing to be alone at christmas even if you have quite alot of friends. Some of my friends have invited me to spend it with their families but the thought of everyone knowing I'm there because I've nowhere else to be is more unsettling than spending it on my own.

Is anyone else in a similar situation and if so how are you planning on spending the festive period?


my grandmother is out of town, we usually go there every christmas but this year we aren't.

I dont know what Im going to do for the next 2 weeks. maybe just stay in bed all day.


Well-known member
This is my second Christmas alone since my wife and I split up. I'm not down about it though


Active member
TheWall said:
I would rather spend my Christmas alone. My family is awful.

tell me about it, right?

I did spend Christmas alone for the first time. I hate Christmas... it just reminds me how horrible my family has been to me over the years. After years of physical, mental, and sexual abuse, i'd had enough, and pretty much went out to get adopted by my best friend's family. Since about 2001 I have been spending the holidays with this family primerily, while throwing my "blood" a bone and showing up for like a half hour to hand off gifts and such.

Well this year, i'm 8 hours away from my Cousin (the same one, and of the adoptive family), and 12 hours away from my adoptive parents. And the thought of it killed me, though i pretended like it didn't. I'm so sick of seeing holiday commercials talking about how it's the time to be with family, when there was no way that i could. All i wanted for Christmas was to see my cousin.

As miserable as my week was going into it, the actual day wasn't so bad. I had set up my day so that instead of moping aruond (like i did on thanksgiving) i was going to cook myself my favorite meal, wrap the random crap that i got for myself recently, and baked some cookies and a pie. I had intended to be alone all day, but then my roommies got back from their festivities super early, so the house wasn't as empty as i thought it would be which was both good and bad. I kinda wanted to be alone, but at least this way, i did get to have a litte fun. We did some drinking games and had a few people over, smoked a few blunts.

even still, it was nothing to what Christmas is "supposed" to be. In actuality, i had a typical weekend night at my place (being subjected to people i sorta know cuz they come by the house, and having to pretend like their presence doesen't stress me out untill seaid point when i'm "lubricated" enough to not be stressed out).

And GOD i MISS my Cousin... ::tear::