Ionto experience (till now)


Well-known member
Well, I said I would share my ionto experience, so here it is for now, I'm still in the initial treatment period (7 treatments done, 1 per day, 15-20 minute sessions), and I'm using the idromed 4 GS, which requires a 10 day initial treatment period according to the manual, which for now, I'm respecting.

After two treatments I decided that I would focus on treating my hands first, and if I would achieve dryness focus treatment on my feet.

So far, I have not achieved dryness yet, although there arguably has been some improvement.

Treatment 1-3: Started of at 10 mA, didn't notice reduced sweating (like expected), directly after the treatments the sweat came from my hands like in it's worst moments (quite possibly because obviously, you're even more focused on it than normally). After the 3rd treatment I noticed that the sweating had a different structure than normally (hard to explain).

Treatment 4-5: cranked the current up a little to 12 mA (I could do more but in the manual it is advised to keep under 15 mA for hands) I started to notice that my right hand, which I had on the plus pole for the first 5 treatments, was sweating significantly less than the left one, which was very obvious directly after treatment (the plus pole side is known to work better, for whatever reason). However, even my right hand would still sweat at the fingertips, the rest of the fingers were dryer than before, whereas my palms were already quite good from botox treatment (which btw, works perfectly, if it weren't for them not treating my fingers, since it would be excruciatingly painful).
I'm thinking about whether or not this is because the tips are set firmly onto the plates, possibly with no contact to the water...

Treatment 6-7: In the manual it says to change poles after 5 treatments. Since my right hand had not achieved dryness, but was maybe getting there, this was a tough decision, but I decided to stick with it anyway. Subjectively I haven't noticed a change since treatment 4-5.

My preliminary conclusion therefore is that ionto works (it definitely has some effect), but I'm not sure yet if it's going to be enough for me to achieve dryness. Good hopes though, so I'll let you know.

Btw; I have palmoplantar HH, the severity varies trough the day from dry-almost dripping (just not enough to actually drip of my fingers) with most of the time something in between. However, when you shake someone's hand it doesn't really matter if it's just moist or wet, it's uncomfortable all the same and I think the psychological experience is similar too for both parties (giving and receiving the handshake).


Active member

So you did switch polarity by the 5th treatment? My right hand didn't achieve a good dryness until after the 5th treatment. It should be gradual. I hope that happens to you the same it happened to me.

Best of luck and keep us updated.


Well-known member
I definitely will.

I switched polarity after the 5th, so before the 6th. I thought about going through with the plus on the right but ultimately I decided to give the manual schedule a chance. So you went along with right on the plus electrode first?

Also some technicalities I'd like to ask you;

At what temperature do you add the tapwater (I mean in the sense of cold/warm)? In theory the molecules move more in warmer water, but I don't know if this helps the distribution of the current neither if that matters at all.

How do you stop the treatment? In the manual it says pull out your arms with the current still flowing, but I think it's more confortable to switch it off with the footswitch. (I get the feeling of the current flowing through my elbows when I just retreat my hands from the baths without switching it off first)

Seeing the current :p (oh my) situation I've good hopes that it will work one way or the other eventually.


Active member
Yes. For my right hand, I started at the positive pole, and I did that for treatments 1 to 5. For treatments 6-10, I put the positive pole on the left hand.

One weird thing to note is that you'll feel more of a tingly sensation at the negative pole than the positive during treatment. It's just one of those weird observations.

I fill my tubs at the sink, and I keep the tap water on its coldest setting. So, the water that comes out is cool but not cold. I don't think iontophoresis treatments are temperature dependent.

When my treatment is done, I quickly pull my hands out, turn the knob to zero, then hit the foot switch. I'm not sure this is per directions from the manual but that's what I do.

Seeing the current :p (oh my) situation I've good hopes that it will work one way or the other eventually.
:D I love the positive attitude. Keep it up!

One question for you: What knob number are you using to achieve 12mA? For me, a 10mA current corresponds to about 4.8-4.9. Back home (I've moved recently), I noticed that my tapwater would sometimes come out cloudy but would settle and become clear. When this happens, I would have to crank up the knob to get the same 10mA. I'm assuming that the quality of water was bad. To fix this, I dump out the water, run the sink for a few seconds and refill. In other words, if I have to exceed 5.0 on the knob to get 10mA, then I change the water. Has this happened to you?


Yeah I'm right with you Jezza, I just got a Fischer MD-1a about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I started out doing treatments every other day but wasn't doing it right because i was just skimming my hands on top of the water. The last week I have done it 4 days in a row took a day off and have done another 2 days in row with my hands completely submerged. So i figure I am on treatment 7-8 or so and am seeing mixed results.

I was getting very hopefull because i noticed that the middle of my palm after treatment wasn't sweatning and the very side of my hand wasn't sweating either while other parts of my hands were sweating. It also seemed like the sweat was havng a "harder" time coming out and like you said it was not its normal sweating formation. But I had a set back today because my hands started to sweat pretty badly again and I did another treatment.

I have been putting the setting up to 18-20 Ma the last week but I don't recomend it because it hurts like hell and I use a ton of vasoline. The thing that is getting me is that my water is too soft so I have to add baking soda to the water and I have been putting less and less in the water and I have to jack up the knob almost to full power to get to around 18-20 Ma and I wonder if it matters if it is on full power and only shooting out 18-20 or if it is better if it was on 3/4 power and shooting out the same 18-20. I figure if it is putting out 18-20 then thats what it is putting out and it doesnt matter where the power is but I would really lke to try using water that I don't need to add baking soda to.

Let me know what you think


Well-known member
One weird thing to note is that you'll feel more of a tingly sensation at the negative pole than the positive during treatment. It's just one of those weird observations.

Yes, absolutely, you feel the negative more, although it doesn't work as well as the positive.

I switch the nob to 6 to achieve 12 mA. I had it at 5 the first two times and those times I got 10 mA (the display couldn't decide between 10 and 11). So I guess it's quite similar to your experience. I haven't had any other problems with the water though and I don't have to use baking soda either.

I figure if it is putting out 18-20 then thats what it is putting out and it doesnt matter where the power is but I would really lke to try using water that I don't need to add baking soda to.

I think your right, 1 mA = 1 mA. From Ohm's law you can see that Amperage=Voltage/Resistance. By what you are experiencing, apparently by putting less baking soda in you increase the resistence of the water (which is correct, since deminarelized water does not conduct current at all and the baking soda is intended to make the water conduct the current better), and therefore you have to crank up the voltage to get the same amperage.

Personally I don't think this matters for the treatment, but since unfortunately nobody knows what makes it work, nobody can be sure. I do think though that you can turn the current down a little. I don't necessarily think cranking it up as far as you can possibly take is required for succesful treatment.


Jezza I'm interested in your results so far. I'm also wondering how come your manuel says to keep one hand on the positive pole for 5 treatments. Also why even do the negative pole if it is the positive end is the one that is most effective?


I'm new here but I've read alot. I've had HH on my hands ever since maybe around 13, im 17 now. I have the Fischer machine and I'm guessing I'm around 10 treatments.

Heres my experience, its been pretty weird and I'm trying out new things every time. All of my treatments are around 15mA.

~every other day (no baking soda)
first treatment, nothing noticeable. expected
second treatment, i notice results, kind of shocked
third treatment, better results, noticeable difference (already?)
forth, everything bombed, my hands seemed normal again

Of course after that I was pretty skeptical about the machine because after immediate results, it all went downhill right away

Treatments 5-10; I've began doing treatments with baking soda, experimenting with different results. It seems to be working slightly.

I'm kind of confused on what to do next. Maybe every 3rd day?, try it without baking soda? Hmm...

I'm also wondering about how you guys think the pain is. I've read around and people say it can hurt. I bet i can get up to 20mA and feel almost nothing. I only feel a burning sensation around the water line while the rest of my hand underwater feels like nothing. The only time i feel anything with the rest of my hand is an intense tingling sensation when the machine is cranked up and/or reversed. I'll probably also try using the + end with one hand for a few treatments, I had no idea that there is a difference.

Well that probably seemed to run on forever, but anyways... :roll: it feels good to talk to other going through the same experience


Well-known member
Hi everybody,

It's been a while since I posted since I'm staying abroad for a semester and I have to find a good place to stay here. In fact I'm thinking what am I doing here with the sweating, but of course you have to move on with your life as well as possible. And when it falls down I can always just go home...At least it's cold here in winter time.

Anyway, it was in the manual of the Idromed to use the plus pole on the same side for the first 5 treatments, then change it around for the following 5. I could notice some difference but definitely no dryness after those initial 10 treatments. Unfortunately I had to leave straight afterwards, so the treatments had to take the back foot. I've done 3 more treatments in 4 days now, changing the polarity after 10 minutes, but still no succes.

Sometimes the hands can be dry in stressless situations, but I had that before too. When it matters they still sweat. So that got me wondering if I'm doing something wrong or if I'm just very unlucky not only to have HH but be one of the view for which ionto doesn't work.

It's annoying me every day, especially now I am in the situation that is the experience of a lifetime and I realize how great my life would be without HH.

Still, I have to stick with it so I'll let you know what happens.


Active member

I'm sorry to hear that your initial treatments didn't work for you. I suggest you try again, perhaps at the same current but just go the full 15 minutes.

But what I think you should do is keep it at 10 minutes, and up the current by maybe 2mA. Increase the amperage until you really feel it. And keep your treatments separate from your feet. In other words, don't do them simultaneously.

Iontophoresis HAS to work for you. I hope that you'll be able to find the right amperage for you, given that your tap water is fine.

Best of luck, keep at it, and please do keep us updated.[/b]


Well-known member
Ok, thanks I will...little short on time now.

I'm doing 30 minute sessions at 10 mA every other day now.

I'll let you know