

Hello. I am 18, I'll be 19 tomorrow. I am new to site thinking that maybe a sort of support group could help.
I am not very good at introducing myself so instead I will describe my disorder. I have social anxiety disorder. I was diagnosed with it when I was about 14 but I have had it practically my whole life.
I have taken and quit medication for it cold turkey about twice now. I am currently restarting it again and I am determend not to quit it again. I had a therapist when I first started the medicine but I found her cold and indifferent. Plus, the fact that I am not the best at talking didn't help
We basically sat in silence in almost every meeting we had.
So, since the diagnosis I have gotten progressively worse. I don't leave the house at all anymore. I am farely certian I have Agoraphobia but I have not had it proffesionally diagnosed because I don't have a therapist.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear about your old therapist, a lot of them don't know how to do their job in my opinion.
Welcome to the forum & happy early cake day!