

Hi everyone
Just thought I'd introduce myself and tell you about my background.
I'm 23 now and think I've been suffering from Social Phobia for about 2 years but only found out what it was last week when I went to see a therapist who told me that is what it is. I thought I must be the only person with these king of symptoms up till then but now I've looked across the Net through a load of stuff and found this site.
It only started as a minor annoyance some of the time but I've gradually got worse to the point where I feel totally nervous and on edge in anyone else's company. I have about 20 friends and used to be one of the most socially active in the group but now I just stay in nearly all the time and when I do go out I'm very quiet. My friends have noticed this change in me and I've explained by saying I'm a bit stressed and depressed with my job and other stuff but think they would think I am mental if I told them how I really feel.
I feel suspicious of most people even when I know there is no reason to be and that in turn makes me feel guilty. I think it is obvious sometimes as I avoid eye contact, and my shoulders can shake when I talk to people.
I've thought about trying to get some drugs prescribed from the doctors or trying hypnotherapy and right now I'd do anything to get rid of this SP.
I'm not sure whats the best solution for it tho.
Sorry for the essay and thanks for reading if you got this far


Well I'm not really a scouser.
I actually live about 20 miles from Liverpool 8)
Anyway have you tried anything else to get rid of it?
I'm tempted to pay for hypnotherapy as I've read on some sites that if it works it could cure you completely in just a few sessions but it is £40 a session.


No. I meant hypnosis where you are put in a trance and they then have a conversation with you whilst you're hypnotised and are apparently much more receptive to suggestions.
I've heard that its possible they can make someone lose their phobia then although I know it sounds far fetched.