Interesting experience


Well-known member
I thought I'd share this with my fellow HH sufferers. Others wouldn't see the story as it really is. I've suffered my whole life. I recently went on a date with a beautiful girl. We went to a nice place to eat and the tables were a very polished black. Normally I would sweat like a pig all over the table. I've been on a date there before, and I had very visible puddles under my hands. I've been using Drysol every day and it turns my hands into something almost skeletal. My fingers are very wrinkly, my hands feel smaller, and I have very severe dryness. This time, instead of trying to self consciously examine for puddles on the reflective surface, I had large amounts of dry flakes of skin falling off my hands. It was very visible and I had to sweep them off constantly. Not a very funny story, but the irony and the polarity of the two situations made me laugh out loud until I cried for a bit. All of that went on in my head as part of my internal thought process so my date thought I was a nutcase. Thankfully I managed to deflect it somehow by quickly making up a story. Bit of a dull story, but maybe someone will find it funny. Keep looking for a cure!


Well-known member
As soon as I read "the tables were a very polished black" I was like oh crap. People with palmer HH can understand. I would try to avoid putting hands on the table in a situation like that.


Active member
I had a similar experience a few weeks back when my hands were dry while giving a routine college exam,(usually they'd be dripping with sweat) I was taken aback and started grinning. The grin turned into laughter which i tried to suppress but i think some of my classmates noticed, must have thought I was insane.