interested in helping one another?


Well-known member
I was in a group therapy for a SA at Ryerson Unviersity for about 3 month. The group treatement was called Group CBT. It was really an interesting experience. I have taken alot of thing from the group. We did cognitive restruction you challange your negative thoughts. While this was very usefully what I found very helpfull was exposure. Exposing myself to situation that cause me anxitey or fear. The group therapy is over now, and I feel like I am losing all the progress that I made in the last three month. It is obivious to me know that exposure is the answer to my SA and maybe to all of us, but it's kind of hard to move forward with exposure if you don't have a group with you.

i was thinking about forming a group were we just go out and have fun. Their is no age limit well I guess you kind of have to be over 18+. I am 24 and I am currently a student of accounting will be finishing in less than a year if things go well. Exposing ourself together I think will reduce our anxiety and you won't feel like a loser who's going out by yourself. I think this will totally cure as if we do it consistently. I am very serious about this group god willing I want to start during february. I have read many books on SA and its come down to one thing expsure guys that is our only hope. If you are interested let me know PM me and lets get it cranking. No one is coming to help us. We must help ourself.