In the end..we only hurt ourselfs.


New member
Sometimes i feel like such a bitch. i have very great supportive friends. but i have big insecurites, mainly trust issues actualy. then i sometimes start to think that my friends are gettin fed up with me or that im annoying them, then i start to feel bitter because i do alot for my friends, well as much as i can, and i start to hate on them coz i think hey i do so much for u guys and ur hating on me!! and its always me bein insecure and not trusting people, not because they actualy are hating on me. It makes me soo sad because i love people so much!! but i find it so hard to express it because of my lack of trust. ive been hurt in the past by people. which now i know it wasnt personal, they are just wankers, but ya know the bruices are still there, although i dont care about the past anymore. i feel awful because it like im assuming everyones an arsehole, and thats not fair.

im not looking for advice or anything, i just wanted to say this. because no matter what walk of life your from, how shy or extrovert you are, we all have hangups which effect our life in some shape or form. we all wish we could change things, like i wish i could open my heart more, its hard when u know u have sooo much to give! i never used to have this problem, and i loved being very open and caring towards people, i never felt nervous bout putting my arm around someone, and now i do. and its awful. we all need love. but then we all have a need to give it too!

but from this day forth. im gonna try my hardest to wear my heart on my sleeve, and give everything ive got! coz as the song goes....were frozen when are hearts not open.