In certain situations


Well-known member
When i was at school (just finished now) in situations like assembelys in the hall, i would have what seems to be something like a panic attack, not sure if you could actualy call it that, but i would start to get wierd thoughts in my head about things such as the size of the universe, dying, or even more normal thoughts, and start to feel really nervous, get sweaty palms and feel like i have to get out (i never did leave the hall though as i managed to get through it). They would come in waves, 1 minuite id feel ok, and then i might feel like that all of a sudden and feel like i have to move my feet or lean forward (if i was leaning back against he chair). Especially f something triggered a thought, or sometimes just for no reason. My heart would beat fast and thoughts would go through my head like i'll pass out or die. When i think about thoughts that would have made me feel like that when im at home, it doesnt bother me, only in that type of situation. Also after those situations, or sometimes for no reason i wuld sometimes get a kind of headache in the temple and cheeckbone, not severe but still there. Does anyone else get this or know exactly what it is and what causes it?