in a nutshell..


New member
i'm not sure what brought on my shyness, but it sucks. i'm 15 yrs old

school recently started again and my new years resolution was to be myself at school to make more friends and stuff. when i'm at school i feel really tense and self concious about how i look and what i say etc and i hardly talk around my new classmates. mainly because i dont know them and cant think of things to talk about and i feel inferior and intimidated by some.
when i'm at home, i think of those situations and think of things i would have said or done and it seems so easy to just do. and i get excited and am like "yeah! i'm gonna be like this tomorrow!"
but the next day i get trapped in my own self and cant spit out the things i need to say. and when the day is over i regret evertyhing i didnt do.

i try to convince myself all i can to change with motivational thoughts and stuff, but when it comes down to it, i'm still the same and can't throw myself out there.
i want/need help to finally be who i am inside
Yeah I can relate. Sometimes I have delusions of grandeur about my social life. When I'm by myself I think "it can't be that bad I just have to go for it and talk to people." But when I'm around people and have the opportunity to be social I clam up and don't say a word unless someone says something to me, and when that happens I always make it awkward. :x


Well-known member
Don't be afraid to get help if you feel your problems are life-crippling. I wish I sought help when I was 15 yrs old... my prime years were wasted. Don't let that happen to you. Seriously.


Active member
I used to have the same problem and I've managed to get over it by accepting myself. I was quiet in social situations and i didnt blame myself for it.Then my social nature slowly started showing up and i started talking to people and making friends. Be natural and be yourself , when you feel shy let yourself to be shy and like yourself. When you do it others can feel and they accept you aswell.
Good luck