Important message for all Anxious people!!!


New member
There is a reason for our anxiousness. I struggled massively with social anxiety for a while, and now I know there are reasons why we are the way we are, and why medication seems like a good option.

I didnt want to leave my house much...for good reasons. Right now I am recovering from road trauma where I was in a coma for 4 weeks and now have devastating head injuries, and my face has been quite literally been rearranged.

From my firsthand experience, and you dont know how close I was to death, I severed an artery which supplies blood to the brain, I lacerated lungs, liver and suffered heart, kidney injuries. Broke my face on two sides and my chin. One of my eyebrows droops now. I would recommend that you listen to this post, as I am lucky to survive and to be telling you what you are reading now.

The anxiety is a pre warning system our bodies have, so if you are suffering, be prepared for something major to happen. Most importantly of all, the best advice I could give, is to keep yourself SAFE!!! Do not go out late at nights etc...where you are giving bad things a chance to happen to you. And pray for the Lord's mercy that he will not let the things happen to you that have been pre-written in your destiny.

Medication seems like a good option (and could well be), because it tricks your brain into thinking nothing is wrong, and nothing is going to happen. You can not beat destiny, which is why none of them work the way you want them to.

Anyway, to make an important final point, the anxiety system is pre-warning system to make you ready for what you will face in the future. This is what I'm facing, as if a near-death experience was not enough.

Australian Police is charging me with speeding, and letting the driver who caused the crash to walk free. I will have to defend myself in court, whereas someone who almost kills another person is being allowed to walk. Furthermore, the Police are actually going out of their way to charge me and make me appear in court.

To paint a picture, I have a head injury, heart pain, fractured vertebrae and ribs, lacerated organs, and massive scars and a broken face, but I still have to appear in court to defend myself, while the other person gets to walk free. We are not living in a just society, hence our anxiety disorders. We get them because we dont take pleasure in other people's pain, simple as that. We dont kick people when they are down etc... To not be anxious in this lifetime without medication, we would have to change our personalities, to be cruel, unjust, merciless, heartless, untrustworthy, everything God tells us not to be. This truly is the devils world, and if you truly want to overcome your fear, trust in God, do not lay in peril your eternal destiny to simply be happy in this life, where that happiness is at the expense of others.

Good luck to you all, wish me luck with my uni degree, but seriously anxiety is a powerful will all agree with me there. That is because what we face is Very powerful. I truly belive that our anxiety is linked to a struggle for our souls, and if after you thought this life was bad, you ended up with an eternity far worse, then you would feel like a sucker.

This has been my anxiety disorder, preparation for what is to come, and a struggle with powerful forces trying to drag you down. If you struggle with social anxiety trying to fit in etc... DONT, you dont know what you are trying to fit in with. You can not trust people you dont know, even some people who say they are your friends, dont even like you that much. Be careful, there is only one we can trust, and that is our creator, the God of the entire universe.


New member
Good point. There are reasons why ACT would work, and the reasons it would work are all to do with acceptance of what God has planned for your life. Accepting that should markedly reduce your anxiety, I agree with that. The whole recipe for eliminating anxiety is in God's Word, He says 'be careful [anxious] for nothing', in Philippians 4.


Well-known member
so your saying our anxiety is to prepareus for something awful thats goingtohappen tous?? wow- thats scary, y us tho?


New member
The devil is pure evil, and has only the very worst in mind for you. Ultimately, he is wishing your eternal demise. That is why it is scary.

It would be wise to understand also that Satan is a master of trickery, and is cunning. He will devise a plan to sink you based on what he thinks will appeal to you as an individual. He needs to have a hold over you so that you will end up with him in hell. He might use money, or alcohol, or gambling, or drugs, or women, or any number of things that the Bible warns us about to get us hooked. He might well get angry when you do good things that he does not like, or when you are reborn into Christ, or even tell someone you care about, that they can be saved, and can be re-born into God's family for ever.

You can have no fear once you are resting in God's hands, he will not let the devil harm you, once your in his hand, he will never let you go, thats His promise.

This life is short compared to eternity, and all the things that we have wrong with us will be over when (if we are born again Christians), either Jesus comes or we die. Christians do not even have to fear death anymore.

To answer your first question, anxiety is definitely a pre-warning system! It is designed to get your attention. Medication has to do some strange stuff to try and shut it up, i.e. side effects. Anxiety is something you have to do something about.

I'm here writing to you now because I know what it's like to be anxious, and it is bad. I care about anyone and everyone who is going through anxiety, I care very deeply, and simply wish to share the truth of Jesus with you, so that you can all have the last laugh.