I'm thin and get nervous when i see youngters


Well-known member
Are there anyone out there who are thin and get nervous around teenagers or 20 year olds and always wonder whether they are looking at you coz your thin and get worried they will whisper to their friends that you are thin or you look sad (as in your clothes) etc?
I don't really dress like you see the other girls dress around the town. You know the jeans, boots, a lil jacket etc look. But then you could say i'm an individual then. but when i see other youngters looking at me, i really hate it, i wonder what they are thinking, and whether their thinking i'm a really sad thin girl who don't dress like them. I usually wear camoflague trousers, t-shirts, a black hoodie and when i go out i wear my dark green slightly long coat with a fake fur hood. I like my coat but i also wear it because i'm unconscious of my figure.
Ok, maybe i would kinda dress like them or a little like them if i had a good figure and not thin lol :lol: I would wear jeans but i can't find any jeans that i like that suit my thin figure and don't make me look obvious that i'm thin. Then i would'nt have to be so nervous when i see youngters looking at me.


Erm, I'm not sure what you mean by 'thin', but it could be they're looking at you going, 'wow I wish I was as slim as her'. I know I tend to envy slim people. Although I'm at a 'healthy' weight, I feel and think I look overweight. 8O So I'm not exactly in your situation but I can empathise.

I don't dress like others either, and I often feel selfconscious about it too. So I know what you mean there. I mean, some people would call me 'Gothic' because I like to dress in black, but I see 'moreGothic' people around and feel like they think I'm just a wannabe cos I don't dress extremely with fishnets and such. Urgh. Labels create such pressure, eh?

I guess your actual appearance doesn't matter, only the way you see yourself. I've seen people who were hugely overweight and yet they were loud and proud. I also know people who are gorgeous and yet they hide themselves under their hair or makeup or clothes. Only way around it is to learn to love yourself for yourself... Forgive me if this is starting to sound like a bad episode of Oprah!

Oh, and excuse the terrible Silmarillion pun! :lol:


Well-known member
I used to be very thin in high school and felt a lot like you did. I was very self conscious and would even try to eat more to gain wieght! Part of the reason I was so thin was because of the SP, I would not eat in the cafeteria at school, that is also where I had my first panick attack. But now that I'm not in school, I'm not so thin, I'm not overwieght but I'm heavier than I would like..
Now I wish I was thinner like back then! I agree w/the other's the people that look at you are either jealous or admire you. Try to enjoy being who you are and don't let it bother you. I know it is easy to say and hard to do.
But try to encourage yourself, speak back to those thoughts that come to you in your head and say negative things, tell yourself positive one's instead.