I'm new and need help please


New member
New to the forum.

I am an agoraphobic w/Panic Disorder (and so much else) who has been in a 10 year relationship and basically...he has had enough. I cannot afford a place on my own (on Social Security Disability); I have no family who would help (at all!); there is no staying here; I am scared of what this means for me.

Desperately needing suggestions.

Thank you.


I feel for your terrible situation. Is it possible to get some couple consoling to work things out? Are you married, do you live in a house if so who’s name is it under? Do you currently have a social worker, therapist or physician?


Well-known member
Sorry about this, since you don't have much money, but you need a therapist.
Welcome and good luck!


New member
Counseling (on his part) is out of the question - it's been asked and answered. I just found out that in our area a Mobile Mental Health Unit can come out to peoples' homes in crisis situations (which my social worker says this is), so there may be some help there. Then, I could get on the waiting list and still have help in between. It is a wait-n-see thing. But, where will I be when all this comes together. He has actually told me he wants to pack my stuff and kick my behind to the curb (re-worded for forum language). He feels like a slave and also feels I am not trying to get better.

We have co-owned the home since 2004 (it was originally mine for 5 years prior, but we lived together almost immediately from the get go.) We have re-financed 3 times total, so there is no equity involved. He could financially 'take-over' easily - therein lies the problem.

If I end up moving which is where this is headed, then to where? - and how do I get to that point, and through it?

For crying out loud I can't get out the door!

I don't think there is an answer for me. That is what is scaring me so badly. I mean what next!?!??