im getting meds soon need info


hello everyone im new here and ill be brief cuz i work 3rd shift and im really tired but i never really thought i might have ocd i geuss i never knew what it even was but i got a new job at wal-mart having to deal with numbers and organizing and stocking and other ppls disorganization has gotten to the point that i break down and cry at work i catch myself spending 10 min. organizing scraps of paper ect. i also suffer from all the symptoms obsessive thoughts,i also take up to 5 showers a day i count alot i constantly repeat thoughts in my head mostly outloud well im sure u all know the story im also bi-polar well anyway i brought it to the attention of my theripist cuz im afraid im gonna lose my job cuz of some of my wierd habits at work are taking up ALOT of time well im hopefully gonna get some meds for this but this is my fear i now have a name and explanation for why ive been so wierd my whole life but thats the thing its been my whole life and to take it all away what am i left with?? my manic episodes are gone now cuz of depacote and as bad as they were i miss them its almost as if a piece of me has been stolen and to remove the ocd im afraid ill feel just hollow and empty inside ive been this way my whole life have any of you dealt with what im talking about??? i hope ive been clear enuf i get confused sometimes and reaching out to ppl is not my strong point it scares me like ppl will laugh at me i geuss i didnt make this short after all lol ~straycat
The real you is infinitely more interesting than a bunch of dysfunctional behaviors. These behaviors brought you some comfort, but living a fuller life will bring it's rewards too.


I can relate

I also have OCD AND am bipolar. Zyprexa has eradicated my manic phases completely, and Paxil has lessened the severity of my depression. It's gone from soul-crushing suicidal depression to just a constant low-grade feeling of melancholy and dread. Ah well, better than it used to be. The two best meds for OCD are Effexor and Paxil. Despite raising the dosage of my Paxil it hasn't made a dent in the OCD, but that doesn't mean it couldn't work for you. I know what you mean about missing the mania, I generally used to get dysphoric manias, which had all the misery of depression but with chaotic thoughts and severe agitation. But a FEW times I experienced euphoric manias. I felt so alive, creative, effusive. But then I'd not sleep for days and it eventually took a toll. Plus, the higher the highs, the lower the lows. Anyway, I recommend a site called Crazy Meds, you can read all about these kinds of meds from a patient's point of view, rather than a doctor's or pharmaceutical company's. If you ever want to compare notes or commiserate send me a message.


noo dont feel like that! sometimes i feel like a slave because of ocd when i have to obey whatever it tells me to do, you're getting control of your life!! you should be so happy!! trust me you're going to love it


Well-known member
I feel like a slave also. I can't stand doing annoying rituals or rereading lines, repeating phrases, etc.