I'm feeling like I have no future! :-(


Hello everyone! :-D
OK, I have this problem here... I feel like I'm not progressing as a person... I feel like I have the life experience of a 12 year old, when I'm 16... I can't get on arguments with people because I start overreacting, and in some cases, I get out of the conversation, which as got me in trouble at school some time ago... I don't do that anymore on school, but I still do it on MSN... You know, I can't get criticized because I overreact there also! I'm losing friends! I don't know what to freaking do! I go to the psychiatrist and she gave me some medicine to take everyday... But still, I feel like a piece of dog crap! :-(
Is this what SP causes? HELP!
Thanks! ;-)

By the way... My mom keeps saying to "get some friends at school!", but... what the hell? There's something I don't understand HOW exactly. Do I just go there and say "Hi!"? Each time I say something, someone says "Oh, cool!" or something of that sort and then they keep on talking... Maybe my Uruguayan accent? Maybe my low voice? Maybe my word-mixes? (like "automacletly" instead of "automatically") I really need help guys... :-(


Well-known member
First of all welcome :D Look i know it doesn't help to have this thrown in your face - but you are only 16 and the fact that you realised you have a problem and are taking steps to deal with it at such a young age is a very mature thing for you to have done. I was also suffering at your age but i would never have gone to see anyone even if it had been suggested to me, so again well done. May i ask what kind of therapy are you undertaking in your sessions ? In my experience psychiatrist are only good for giving out medication - a psychologist would be better for you to talk to - You like everyone else who has this and other problems have very deep rooted issues that propel them to act certain ways, and in order to change those issues need to be addressed. Do you think you could get yourself in touch with a psychologist - of course you could you went and saw a psychiatrist - which again was a very brave and wise course of action.


Well-known member
Hey -- I am 13 and I know that feeling of hopelessness like you have no future -- I know it all too well. Unfortunately the future really depends on things now - spending time worrying about your future isn't helpful when you could be working to stop it now, so you WILL have a better future (this is not to say that you aren't). As red said seeing a psychologist is a good idea. As for making friends -- I don't understand really how that happens -- of course on games like The Sims you can just go and talk, and you'll be friends. It seems like friends are a more "chance" thing, like something that kind of just... "happens." However I go to a private school; there are less people per class; I've never really had experience in big big classes so I don't know if I'm going to be much help :?
Just some words of advice, make sure to keep positive :) don't go over the top (heh obviously) but being pessimistic and negative won't help, will it? I think some of the problem is people with SA think "oh, there's my SA acting up again" but the constant thinking of "I have SA, and that is a bad thing" is kind of self-defeating. SA isn't something you can control, however, defeating it is. Good luck with this -- we're all supporting you here -- oh and welcome to the forums :)


Active member
Well overeacting isn't a good thing, but when I find somethings disagreeable, many times I "don't" react. So my hat is off to you! :D


Well-known member
the future! well in the future we will all be able to travel from one side of the planet to another just like we go to the local convenience store, with fantastic machines that are part car part bird. the only problem is that dew to the size of this carbird, it will need to feed on lots of bird seed(so there are constant wars over this vital resorse), thus in the future we solved the problem of global warming(albeit too late) by using clean and effeciant fuels. In the future all prejudices will be overcome, so all peoples of all colors are are judged based on their character, except purples their just freaks, and your sexuality be it strate or gays are excepted, and those that find other species sexualy atractive like chimps, pigs, goats are allowed to marry as long as it is a mutualy consenting relationship. the future will be full so in order to reduce conjestion the global government desides to promote all methodes that can work to reduce population, suicide machines, anual spraying of the undesirable purples, murder is legalized. what else?oh and in the future it turns out social phobia is cured by having a intelligent robot do everything for you, while you sit back in your room and watch the carbirds shit on the undesirable purples 600 floors bellow. kix gets over his SA and becomes CEO of a world wide chain of robotic sweat shops making suicide machines , he is secretly ploting to over through the world governmen. Coldfury gets so sick of felling negitive about hi mself that he wips up the curage and writes a book about the depths of deppresion and becomes a billionair in a matter of months, his book is number one on the best seller list for 2 years strate. Coldfury and kix are partnering up to promote a hole new line of suicide machines. Mcshy lives to the age of 750, and is now completely over his SA but is still injoying the robot do everything for him. he marries taws and lives happly ever after. As for me it turns out i get instatutionalized for trying to get my flux capasiter pattented. turns out theres a prohabition on time travel. but dont worry marty and his future counter part will soon bust me out. if only Marty would stop getting worked up over people calling him chicken.


Well-known member
I'm 17 and erased my future because it scared to so much. I never tried in school and would huddle under my blankets all the time. When I first started high school I decided I would be a writer. Write novels during the summer, get them published and you never have to get a job working with people. I learned later that you do need to have an open personality to sell books. So its my senior year and I'm finally attempting at the so called life we're forced to participate in. 8O


redlady: My mom's trying to get a psychologist for me... :p

paul: I also go to special ed in school... I don't think that's for me, though. That's more for people with other kinds of problems... don't know, hyperactivity? :eek:

ColdFury: :cry:

McShy: Ha! :-D

Lost_Nomad: Suicide machines? I WANT ONE! :D

scyth: *Thinks about going on an airplane at full speed and open a portal to another dimension and tavel to the future* :D

LemonKiss: Life... if there's something I hate... IS LIFE. :( (BTW, why do you need an open personality to sell books? :?)

Fighter86: :(

taws: *Thinks about the airplane again 8O*

And for all of you... sorries for late replies, I've been working on some stuff... AND THANKS FOR CHEERING ME UP! :-D


New member
Hey kixdemp, I know exactly how you feel. I'm 18 and I feel like a child. I feel like I'm not growing up. I also know what it's like to not know how to make friends. I don't know how to function around people, much less talk to them. It's detroyed my life. I feel like I have no future either. That I'll never have friends or a boyfriend, much less a husband. I'm too screwed up for anyone to want me.
In a cold world, it's good to know there's at least someone who understands. You're not alone in this boat.


I didn't give it much importance when my doctor said I had social phobia, but then it started to show up, worsening each time... :cry: