I'm depressed when I should be happy?


Active member
My friend sent me a message on myspace today telling me she finally got phone and gave me the number. I immediately call her and asked her if she wanted to hang out tomorrow. She said yeah but she might go to party and that I should call her to make sure. This party is right next to my house so I could go to it and still hang out with her. We have liked each other for a while now according to some of our friends. Anyways I was very excited for about ten minutes but now I'm really depressed. This has been a pretty good week so I cant figure out what in the world is making me depressed. I always get depressed when I make plans and most of the time I back out at the last minute. This is very frustrating!

Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm not shy at all around this girl. I have no Idea why.


Well-known member
Perhaps it is the anxiety, that can lead to feelings of depression. Although you want to go, do you feel tense about it?

The best thing is to go, if it becomes too much you can always leave.

Peace xxx


Well-known member
hope you gave her a killer excuse man, that sounded like a good opportunity for you


Well-known member
This slightly reminds me of an incident I had with being invited casually to a party...I told the guy I'd message him on facebook to confirm but I never did it. I was somehow waiting for him to remind me since it was awhile between the invite and the party...in case he changed his mind and was hoping I'd forget. I'd convinced myself I wasn't even invited, I could've asked to at least show respect that I remembered/appreciated the invite. Ironically I look to the real world as the source of fuelling my fear of rejection!

Skooter said:
I always get depressed when I make plans and most of the time I back out at the last minute. This is very frustrating!

Seeing opportunities present themselves often depresses me too because I know I'm too shy/anxious to seize and make the most of them.

When I got an official invite to an acquaintance's party I was anxious that my close friend wasn't going, I sort of started panicking and hung up half way during the rsvp phonecall because I felt guilty and promised I would go. I tried to pep talk myself into being brave but when my parents were late to pick me up that night I texted her instead and was able to relax again at the excuse, "I'm tired...it's been a rough day"

Is it any wonder? I was excited about both parties at first but I often play out various scenarios of what could happen in my head while anticipating that it conduces an extreme, unrealistic fear of dread.
Why the fuck didn't you call her? You know what, I got the same problem everyone here does, but one thing I do is i give my best at everything I can control. I take myself to the limits. If I get a good shot, and you had one, I take it. Don't come complaining about your situation later, man, keep wasting shots like this and you're dead.


Active member
Yeah, not calling her was actually a good thing. After that night every time I have the opportunity to call a girl I do because I remember how terrible I would feel if I don't.


Well-known member
Well, the logical thing would have been to call her, but if anxiety and depression were all about logic, then it wouldn't be a problem in the first place.