I'm dependant on gum!


Hi everyone!
I know! Strange topic title but let me explain: About 10 years ago, I had my first social/anxiety/panic attack in public. It was absolutalely horrible.I had met an old friend by chance on the street (she was with her boyfriend at the time). The 3 of us were talking away, and I was rather enjoying myself when all of a sudden I had a feeling that I was being judged or scrutinized by the couple.Apprehension and anxious feelings started to build in me, and I starting to get nervous. These feelings were new to me.I was no longer focusing on our conversation, as I started to feel unbelievably uncomfortable in front of them. I thought surely they must've noticed my discomfort and were starting to get uncomfortable themselves. By this time, the anxiety/panic flood gates opened: Blushing,facial ticks,loss of eye contact, shortness of breath, wanting to get the hell out of there. Thats exactly what I did: got the hell out of there with some lame-ass excuse. They knew very well something major just happened to me (as I found out later), they just didn't know what.
What does this have to do with gum, you ask? Ever since then, I've never been able to talk with anyone without anxiousness. My face starts to tense up, I can't keep eye contact, and I'm petrified of having another "episode" like that. The fear itseld perpetuates my apprehension. Chewing gum has become like a crutch to me to mask facial ticks caused by talking face to face with people. It allows me to channel nervous energy into chewing gum. The more anxious I get when I "socialize" ,the quicker I chew. Sounds unbelievably lame, but these are the cold hard facts.
Anyone else relate to this?
I can understand that, people with SA often find something to make them appear less anxious in one way or another, one thing I do is play with my phone, pretend to be sending messages or something if I'm on my own, because it makes me feel less vulnerable. It's not exactly the same thing, but I think there's a similiar reason behind it, you're trying to make youself seem less anxious.

I don't think it's lame at all, it's your coping mechanism, hopefully one day you'll be able to ease off the chewing gum and learn how to channel your nervous energy in other ways, but for now, chewing gum isn't doing you damage.

Are you in college / uni / working? If so, how do you cope with speaking in situations where you can't chew gum?

Welcome to Social Phobia World :)


I chew gum to, it acts as a coping mechanism. I surpose it gives me something to concentrate on e.g. the chewing. It does help though....


Well-known member
I can totally relate.

I used to always chew gum in a previous office job where I was sat in the middle of an open plan office with a bunch of people I never fitted in with, nowhere to hide, always feelng like I was being watched, judged, etc. It was excruciating and the only way I found to cope was to chew gum to hide my anxiety. I think I also felt that chewing gum made me look like I had an attitude (of self-confidence), rather than a nervous wreck.

I still use gum in certain situations where I know I'm not going to cope well.

I think there's actually some medical research which show that chewing gum is good for certain psychological things (can't remember what), but it's probably no surprise that some of use have discovered this for ourselves through trial and error.

The down side is that chewing gum constantly apparently can have a detrimental effect on your digestive system and stomach, so I tend to only use it when I "have to".


Well-known member
When im anxious and I dont eat much food, my breath often becomes horrid and this makes me even more anxious and self aware. As a result I chew gum, eat mints, use gallons of mouth wash. I think when im anxious and my stomach turns and my breath goes bad almost instantly cos my mouth gets very very dry. Or it could be my breath is always bad and I just become aware when im nervous lol :)

I hope thats not the case...but yea gum helps!


Well-known member
hiya PoutinePete...i am so very happy...i'm not alone in my gum addiction 8) ....seriously...i always have gum in my mouth when i'm leaving the house..for the same reasons as you....makes me feel less anxious...more comfortable talking to others....my face and mouth feel more relaxed....but i have to be discreet about it at work :wink:


I bought some gum on the weekend because I'm going back to uni next week. I've never tried it but it seems to work for most people so hopefully it will work for me.