I'm back with my next (convoluted) theory of help!


hey, I haven't been here for a while. I come back in bursts. so, to me I'm not cured of social anxiety. I'm the same but I like the think that I'm beyond categorizing myself. Its the worst thing to do. (so now, for example I will only come here to help others. Please, my first piece of life saving advice is don't put yourselves down too much in posting on here. there's NO easy coming back from that, trust me....it will only get worse for you)

so, I have recently been coping with the fact that I still find it incredibly hard to talk, and rather than taking it out on myself as SOCIAL PHOBIA ZOMG!! I have accepted it for what it is. Once you take a step back and absorb your situation it might become clear that smaller things are to blame. In fact this "social phobia" is really just you placing yourself. Now that I can see it as a simple difficulty I can work towards helping myself with no medication. The problems lie where least expected!! :

You know when you finish a sentence or explanation to someone, and you trail a little and end almost apologizing? I used to be really put off by people's reactions. Like as if they see through me and go "oh, well that didn't make sense," . But putting yourself in their shoes makes you realize how normal this is. Bear with these details that would otherwise throw you off the conversation. Look them in the eye too. It is amazing how much can change from tiniest details. I don't believe that it is such a huge problem. I know the whole thing is deep within you but when you take away the layer of awkward moments, not knowing where to look and lack of self confidence, you'll see a whole new world! In my case at least. I'm living in such an odd detached way still and need to snap back to reality every now and then, but these are the thought running through me.

gradually the awkwardness wears off and you're just a bit quiet but determined. For those of you with severe cases you have a lot of work to do! Put yourself in people's shoes and realize the awkward moments are shared! Stop apologizing, you're always right.

Make sense? It makes a hell of a lot of sense to me. I'm now just a bit odd. I still don't like people or talking but when I am seen to make the effort, I feel better about myself and people react better, simple as that.

I do really want to help you guys. I hate seeing you all feel sorry for yourselves and the "is this social phobia?" stop that, its your biggest barrier!