Im a 16yr old girl and I think I have Hyperhidrosis


New member
And its making me life hell.

I sweat constantly and profusely from my armpits when i'm at school. I take 2 spare shirts to school and change my shirts at break and at lunch to stop from smelling. I apply deoderant 3 times a day but it simply doesent help. I have had this problem since approximately September 2006.
I do not know what to do. I wear huge black hoodies to school to hide the fact I am sweating so much, but I long to wear lovely shirts etc that I have, but cannot wear.

Its eating me up inside and I do not go out because of it. So far no one has said anything but i know people have noticed.

Is there anything i can do? Im so embarassed, I dont want to go to my GP, but I cant put up with this any longer.

Please help.

I am not overweight, I excercise daily and I eat well.

What can i do?


Well-known member

I would advice you to read alle the information in this forum and other forums like this one

And then write down the best alternatives/quiestions for you and contact your GP.

I can only speak for my self,and I have learned more on the internet about HH then any doctor could tell me.

Dont be ashamed over it and keep it for your self its not your fault.It is a diseas that about 3 to 5% of the world population has.Dont sound like much,but it means millions of people.

There are a lots of alternatives and I would try them all out before even consider ETS-surgery (lots of different side-effects).

I know that its imberassing to tell anyone,but if you really have HH it will not go away by itself.

Maybe you dont have HH either and its just something whit hormons or something else you are going true.

If you have a family member you trust and that could help you out it would be even better.

Whish you all the best of luck.


New member
Hi I'm 18 and I suffer from social phobia which makes me have the same problem as you, I understand what you are going through and want to talk one and one. My email is [email protected].
Meeshp said:
And its making me life hell.

I sweat constantly and profusely from my armpits when i'm at school. I take 2 spare shirts to school and change my shirts at break and at lunch to stop from smelling. I apply deoderant 3 times a day but it simply doesent help. I have had this problem since approximately September 2006.
I do not know what to do. I wear huge black hoodies to school to hide the fact I am sweating so much, but I long to wear lovely shirts etc that I have, but cannot wear.

Its eating me up inside and I do not go out because of it. So far no one has said anything but i know people have noticed.

Is there anything i can do? Im so embarassed, I dont want to go to my GP, but I cant put up with this any longer.

Please help.

I am not overweight, I excercise daily and I eat well.

What can i do?

Hey, there is one positive I can give you and that is you only seem to have underarm sweating from what you describe, so at least you don't have it on your hands or face. There are also many treatments for axillary sweating.

The first thing you should do is buy a strong antipersprant such as Drysol, certain dri or maxim.. all contain 20% aluminium chloride. Apply at night and dry with a hairdrier, do this every day or ever other day for a week.

If the sweating is so severe that this doesnt help, then you could dry botox injections, and the last option is curretage or liposuction surgery (NOT ETS!).


New member
Hi, my daughter is 16 and suffers from HH as well, although it affects her hands and feet as well as her axilla. She always had sweaty hands and feet, but when she hit puberty, the underarms suddenly became affected and her hands and feet got much worse. There are lots of different options to look at. You should go to your doctor and have a check up first to make sure the rest of your health is okay and if that's all good, then go to see a dermatologist who can tell you about the options.

My daughter uses Drysol for her underarms. If I recall, she applied it each night for about 4-5 nights, washing it off each morning, and now she applies it about once a month. At first, she had an unbearable amount of burning with the Drysol, but after we applied it, we would spray on Solarcaine which relieved the burning, so it was no problem after that. You can buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription, although I think it is behind the counter, so you'll have to ask the pharmacist for it.

Don't hide anymore...there's hope, and you'll be much happier!!!!!