I'll be brutally honest if you will...


New member
For me, my shyness/phobias make me feel like I'm trapped and in a strange way, cursed. As if no matter what I do, I will never be successful in social situations, particularly with women. I have a good job, pay my bills, live healthy, and I have friends, but here is what keeps echoing in my head:

I’m not rich. Why would a woman want to go out with me?

I’m not built like a lineman. A woman won’t be attracted to me.

When a woman rejects me, it more evidence I'm a loser.

Women don't like sex and women don't like guys who want it.

When I'm with an attractive woman, I wonder how I got so lucky.

I am not attractive to women.

If I ask a woman out, I'm committing to a relationship (so I never do).

If I kiss /sleep with a woman, I'm committing to a relationship (so I rarely make a move).

When women smile at me, they are laughing at me. Waiting for an opportunity to shut me down.

Do you identify with that? Not trying to be negative, just trying to get it out clearly so that I might get some insight from others.


Well-known member
Why is it that you have the perception that all women are into muscle men with loads of money?? That's not the case with most women out there. There are definitely some shallow girls that seek that kind of guy but most girls just want a guy that can relate to them & have a good time with them.
As for this statement:
Women don't like sex and women don't like guys who want it.
Are you kidding me? That's human nature. Most women just don't want total chauvinistic pigs, that's all.
As for this statement:
If I ask a woman out, I'm committing to a relationship (so I never do).
A date is just a date ~ not a commited relationship! It could be a one-time thing....could be a few times....could lead to a relationship. It will only go as far as you both want it to. And why do you think that no women could be attracted to you? There is someone for everyone and everybody finds different things attractive.


Active member
When women smile at me, they are laughing at me. Waiting for an opportunity to shut me down.

I can relate to this, but not just with women. Whenever i see anyone smiling at me I immediatly think they are ridiculing me or that my behaviour was in some way out of the ordinary and they are laughing at me because of it. Then I'll get embarrassed and the horrible facial blushing will commence.

The thought never crosses my mind that they might actually like me or are smiling because i said or did something they might actually think is funny.


Well-known member
I'll give you a bit of a womans view.

I’m not rich. Why would a woman want to go out with me?

Because they enjoy being with you. Lots of men in this world are not rich and most of them seem to get a partner OK!

I’m not built like a lineman. A woman won’t be attracted to me.

Be honest, look around you! How many are??? Not many. Girls are attracted to many types as I'm sure guys are attracted to many different types of girl. Some like curves to grab hold of, some like skinny sticks, blonde or brunette, lots of choices there!

When a woman rejects me, it more evidence I'm a loser.

You are not a loser, she just wasn't the right one for you. have fun looking and finding Mrs Right.

Women don't like sex and women don't like guys who want it.

It's human nature than guys have a higher sex drive than women. Every guy I've ever been out with has been up for it more than me. That's life, nothing wrong with you it's normal. According to thegirly chats I've had with my friends about their fellas they are all the same too.

When I'm with an attractive woman, I wonder how I got so lucky.

Its ok to think that, maybe she is thinking the same. You must be OK to have attracted her in the first place.

I am not attractive to women.

Says who, until you've asked every woman on Earth how do you know.

If I ask a woman out, I'm committing to a relationship (so I never do).

No you are not. If you don't enjoy her company then that can be it. Just be honest.

If I kiss /sleep with a woman, I'm committing to a relationship (so I rarely make a move).

Again, no you are not.

When women smile at me, they are laughing at me. Waiting for an opportunity to shut me down.

Girls have better things to do like worying about their hair than spending their time scheming to bring someone down. Someone smiling at you usually means they think you are cute.


Well-known member
mind said:
I’m not rich. Why would a woman want to go out with me?
It's better not to be rich and not have a wife/girlfriend than be rich and have one. In the latter case, they really don't love you, and there's been cases where they actually kill their spouses through poison to get their inheritance. Or in less extreme cases, they'll cheat on you, and that sucks too especially when you have children and when you realize she's milking you for your $.

mind said:
I’m not built like a lineman. A woman won’t be attracted to me.
Me neither. In some places in this country, without perfect physical build we don't even get considered.

mind said:
When a woman rejects me, it more evidence I'm a loser.
Rejection doesn't matter. Like me, you should be proud of rejection. It makes you different, unique. If women reject you, find something you can do that will make you accepted. What I mean is, trying to "get" the hottest girl in a school, for instance, is really not such a worthwhile objective. Donating a whole wad of saved up cash to Darfur, working very hard to get good grades, working very hard to find favor with a boss in a job, or succeeding in your own business, or excelling at a hobby of your choice; these release dopamine in your brain and make you just as happy as getting the girl who it would seem would always reject you. Trust me, those girls who flaunt themselves and those who dislike you at first glance just aren't worth fretting over.

mind said:
Women don't like sex and women don't like guys who want it.

Well I can't relate to this, since I have a lower sex drive than most people. In fact, girls seem to want sex far more than I do. The ones you know are probably just real subtle about it.

mind said:
When I'm with an attractive woman, I wonder how I got so lucky.

Can't relate, I've never been 'with' a woman, other than like, talking and walking alongside them. But it's fine to feel lucky I guess.

mind said:
I am not attractive to women.
Yeah me neither bro.

mind said:
If I ask a woman out, I'm committing to a relationship (so I never do).
I can't relate to this either, I'm desparate for a relationship.

mind said:
When women smile at me, they are laughing at me. Waiting for an opportunity to shut me down.

That's not true. Most of the time when they smile at you it's because they think you're cute. I have to deal with women smiling at me a lot of times, even when I friggin went on a trip to China it was still happening. And then I smiled back weakly and she laughed along with all her hot uniformed-schoolgirl friends (this sort of pattern repeats itself for me). If they laugh, it's not at you really, and if it is, it's because again they probably find you cute. I don't really know what else it implies, cuz the farthest I've ever "gone" was a girl smiling at me.

mind said:
Do you identify with that? Not trying to be negative, just trying to get it out clearly so that I might get some insight from others.

Brother, as one of the most crippled-by-love-shyness guys on this website, I can relate to almost everything you posted. I've got female friends who I tell literally all these problems to, they give me advice just like las chicas below your post, and I try to follow every bit of it, and it just doesn't work. It's all about the release of certain chemicals by the body that get picked up by others' brains, which then release certain chemicals which spark sexual interest or attraction. So for those of us that have problems releasing and receiving those chemicals, we just have to try life without love. Just make sure we get ourselves some children since that's the scientific purpose of life. That's the only true love that exists- between you and a parent and between you and your child. And G-d bless the poor people who never had the former.


Well-known member
I agree with everything miss_amy said, so i'm not going to go thru and repeat everything.

EXCEPT, I actually have just as high o a sex drive, if not higher than guys I've been with, the guy i've been with for 4 years, or any guys interested in me. Not to be gross but I LOVE LOVE LOVE sex.


New member

Ash, Jol, Amy, Tator, Meow,
Wow - thanks for your feedback. Its amazing what comes up when you get really honest. These are all really helpful ideas.

Ash, Amy, Meow - So, give it to me straight because I'm somehow convinced that women EXPECT relationships and never want just casual sex or making out or whatever. Do women really think like you??

Tator - I hear you. Its tough to be this way when I see other guys connecting with women so easily. I noticed an interesting post in the shyness forum...


Well-known member
Depends what you mean by casual. If you are just out for sex then you might not get a good response. And if you do get a response it probably wouldn't be with a girl you would want to settle with.

The point I was trying to get across is that a cuddle, snog and fumble on a first date doesn't mean the girl will expect an engagement ring or a serious relationship.

You need to have an element of respect for her though as she should you. There nothing wrong with casual sex/one night stands if you are both totally aware that is the deal. Like I said before be honest. If you take a girl out and are not ready for full commitment then you need to tell her that. If you take her out sleep with her and then nothing you will get a reputation of not treating girls very nicely.


Well-known member
Re: wow

mind said:
Ash, Jol, Amy, Tator, Meow,
Wow - thanks for your feedback. Its amazing what comes up when you get really honest. These are all really helpful ideas.

Ash, Amy, Meow - So, give it to me straight because I'm somehow convinced that women EXPECT relationships and never want just casual sex or making out or whatever. Do women really think like you??

Tator - I hear you. Its tough to be this way when I see other guys connecting with women so easily. I noticed an interesting post in the shyness forum...

Well there are a lot of "easy" girls out there who are just after a fun night, if you want one of those you can get one of those. There are also girls who will make out with you or possibly have sex with you and want to get to know you, but don't except some huge serious relationship... kind of a see how it goes thing.
Different women want different things, some want casual sex, some want a casual "relationship", and some want a serious relationship.
Whatever you do though make it clear what you want from them before you do something.
I've had casual make out sessions, it doesn't mean I'm easy because i'm not, but at the same time it didn't mean I wanted to BE with that person, it was just fun and we knew it.
Not every girl is after something really serious.


Well-known member
Beautyful post mind. What I like the most about your post is that it puts what goes on in our heads in writting.

I can't tell you how many times I have self sabotage my self because I was misinterpurting someones elses behavior. I am constantly mind reading which is silly but I do it anyway. What I hate is that it happens so fast that I dont usualy realize that I am doing it.

I also agree with previous respondents. Mind I hope you dont thake this the wrong way but Its almost like you are being selective in your evidence to back up your arument if that makes any sense.