If you suffer from anxiety and get Lyme Disease

I contracted Lyme, caught it early, and now I'm fine but I'm here to offer some advice to anyone who is tempted to look online at other peoples testimonials. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it can be nasty and longterm and maybe I still have it and don't know (it's been 3 years). I just want to warn you that if you go on those "Lyme" sites and assume the worst you may feel like life isn't worth living if any of it happens to you. Everyone is different and you might get way more freaked out than necessary if you turn out ok. After looking online I thought my life was going to be over and I was trembling with worry, literally. I even went to the ER and got a spinal tap that I didn't need. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
Many, many people have gotten it and a lot of people go on to live perfectly normal lives. To anyone who is still suffering from it or just got it recently, I hope you keep trying to get better. Don't let someone say..."oh, well, I know this guy who had it and he...(insert something awful)." It's not worth the worry, I was there at one point. Thanks for listening. I've been wanting to say this a long time :).