idromed 4 problem


Hey everyone,

Heres my story, about 2 months ago I got the idromed 4 and I had great success with it. My hands and feets were so dry they were white. I did what everyone had suggested which was do maintenance treatments once a week once I got dry. Recently I have noticed that my sweating is coming back again even with the regular maintenance treatments. So my question is what I should do from here. Should I stop for awhile and go through the 10 day treatment in the beginning again? or should I just increase my time and frequency of treatments in order to get dry again. These past 2 months have been the best thing in the world to me. I do not want this to end. Any advice from pinker or HH would be great. Thanks


Well-known member
try and do maybe two treatments a week and see how you get on. If that isn't working then carry on doing two treatments a week but for longer periods of time. Question- are the metal plates and machine working okay?


Well-known member
jman14 said:
Hey everyone,

Heres my story, about 2 months ago I got the idromed 4 and I had great success with it. My hands and feets were so dry they were white. I did what everyone had suggested which was do maintenance treatments once a week once I got dry. Recently I have noticed that my sweating is coming back again even with the regular maintenance treatments. So my question is what I should do from here. Should I stop for awhile and go through the 10 day treatment in the beginning again? or should I just increase my time and frequency of treatments in order to get dry again. These past 2 months have been the best thing in the world to me. I do not want this to end. Any advice from pinker or HH would be great. Thanks

hi, jman14
how do u use ur idromed?
how about the amperage and treatment time?
I failed to get my idromed 4 ps works for me
help, please
thanks so much