Ice Cube(s), Botox and palmoplantar HH


Well-known member
Hi there,

Recently I had botox injections in my palms with anaesthesia through ice cubes and I thought I'd share my experience for people contemplating their treatment options. Anaesthesia with icecubes is (obviously) without real risks (unless you make a really large icecube and leave it on your hand for hours-->really lame humor) and makes sure there's less bleeding from the injections.

I can assure you with the icecubes the injections are highly tolerable, I also had it with EMLA before which is equal to no anaesthesia and than it's mad pain. I explained my experience in more detail in Dezza's topic about Glyco cream, but this way it is easier to find.'s link to this method (you can see how it is performed)

One would say this method is so easy and useful that hospitals can no longer say they won't do it, but I guess they will anyway...but still, probably the best hope for the near future IMHO...