I Wished I Lived In The North Pole


New member
Hello, excessive sweater here. Face, neck, back and chest really, really bad. I hate it. Thank God for AC, fans and towels. But, it has made me a hermit. I won't go out during the day. I don't work. I don't have any friends anymore. This problem is so bad now, I can't even go into a store until I have been in front of my vent with the AC on full. Then I go in with little drops of sweat on my forehead, and come out like I have just ran the quarter mile. I'm not out of shape. I work out at home with both cardio and weight lifting, and I have been doing it for years. No health problems at all, but this stupid sweating thing. My problem was a little problem when I was in my teens, and now I'm in my 40's and it is so bad. I had to quit my job, because I just couldn't be around people anymore.

I thought I was the only one in the world with this problem. I never dreamed that there would be others. When I read some of the posts here, I almost cried. But I didn't, because that would have just added to the waterfall already going on right this minute. I drink 2.5 gallons of water a day, and still wake up with dry mouth. I want to move to some small Canadian town up north, where it is cold all the time.

Maybe I'll wrap myself in towels, and become a mummy. Start a new fashion trend.


deaconblues said:
Hello, excessive sweater here. Face, neck, back and chest really, really bad. I hate it. Thank God for AC, fans and towels. But, it has made me a hermit. I won't go out during the day. I don't work. I don't have any friends anymore. This problem is so bad now, I can't even go into a store until I have been in front of my vent with the AC on full. Then I go in with little drops of sweat on my forehead, and come out like I have just ran the quarter mile. I'm not out of shape. I work out at home with both cardio and weight lifting, and I have been doing it for years. No health problems at all, but this stupid sweating thing. My problem was a little problem when I was in my teens, and now I'm in my 40's and it is so bad. I had to quit my job, because I just couldn't be around people anymore.

I thought I was the only one in the world with this problem. I never dreamed that there would be others. When I read some of the posts here, I almost cried. But I didn't, because that would have just added to the waterfall already going on right this minute. I drink 2.5 gallons of water a day, and still wake up with dry mouth. I want to move to some small Canadian town up north, where it is cold all the time.

Maybe I'll wrap myself in towels, and become a mummy. Start a new fashion trend.

Hi Deaconblues!

I'm new to this forum too. I think you'll get very helpful advice in this forum and things will start getting better for you. It is never late :wink:

You're not alone about wanting to move to a cold remote place. One of my dreams/plans is to someday, have a small house in Iceland. Sometimes before falling asleep I think of my house, in this spectacular landscape, COLD yes ... but being there, I still think I would be dreaming of being in other places.

Courage! :twisted:


Well-known member
You're definitely not alone.

Apparently, (and I just found this out)- like, a lot of the family on my dad's side has HH.

I'd love to go to the North Pole, too. @_@

There are tons of threads here on treatment advice- I hope something works for you. :)
North to Alaska by Johnny Horton

Way up north (north to Alaska) way up north (north to Alaska)
North to Alaska a-go north the rush is on
Big Sam left Seattle in the year of ninety-two
With George Pratt his partner and brother Billy, too
They crossed the Yukon River and found the bonanza gold
Below that old White Mountain just a little southeast of Nome
Sam crossed the majestic mountains to valleys far below
He talked to his team of huskies as he mushed on through the snow
With the northern lights a-running wild in the land of the midnight sun
Yes, Sam McCord was a mighty man in the year of nineteen-one

Where the river is windin' big nuggets they're findin'
North to Alaska a-go north the rush is on
Way up north (north to Alaska) way up north (north to Alaska)
North to Alaska a-go north the rush is on

George turned to Sam with his gold in his hand
Said Sam you're a-lookin' at a lonely, lonely man
I'd trade all the gold that's buried in this land
For one small band of gold to place on sweet little Jenny's hand
'Cause a man needs a woman to love him all the time
Remember Sam a true love is so hard to find
I'd build for my Jenny a honeymoon home
Below that old White Mountain just a little southeast of Nome

Where the river is windin'...


I've always planned to live in Alaska, Maybe we should all meet there :lol:

I still sweat when I'm cold sometimes - then I'm just cold & wet :(

I'm so sorry to hear that this has affected your life to such an extent.
Have you seen anybody regarding this?
I was diagnosed by a dermatologist when I went to him for something else (some scars I wanted treatment for) He prescribed me some tablets called Probanthine & a roll-on called Anhydrole forte - It didn't do much for me but different things work for different people...

I hope you find something that works for you x


Well-known member
@sabbath: Stop singing :?

@others. You would sweat and on the -40 degress. It is a problem with termo-regulation, our mind doesnt interpret well outter climathic condition.
DO you have over heat issues? I used to wear a t-shirt when it was 5c. Now , i have gone to the other side-its end of the summer and i wear a two t-shirts and a 'jersey' and aat night i put two sheets. Wear socks too. And dont sweat.