I went to the doctors today!


It went ok I guess, i'm just pleased with myself that i managed to speak to someone about my problems for the FIRST TIME EVER. it was hard - my heart raced and i blushed but it was ok lol. got the shakes also :evil:

i don't think he was very understanding though really. i think he thought there wasn't really anything wrong with me, i could see it in his eyes.

he prescribed me some citalopram (10mg) which i think will probably do nothing, but oh well, i'll take them. i have to take 1 a day and then go back after a month. i was a bit dubious because he said i will have to gradually come off them, so they must be quite addictive. he has also given advice on how to get some councelling, which i think i might do, i am still unsure.

he also mentioned CBT - but he said the waiting list is one year. he said he might be able to sort something out though when i go back, so i am not sure if he was telling the truth or not.

anyway it feels good to finally talk to someone about it and in my eyes things can only get better from here.


Well-known member
That's so great, Mister. Makes me happy to see another soul tryin' and making things better.

So go for it, Mark. Wish you luck.


Well-known member
Good to hear ur getting it sorted, i went to the doctors and got the same impression as you. I felt like i was wasting his time by the look of him. Im not bothered now because he still prescribed me paxil and it seems like its working slightly, not great though still mega blushing :evil: but ive only been on them about 10 days.


Active member
Well done MrMark. I admire you for going to get help. It can be quite hard seeing a GP with SA as we are quite unsure about other peoples motives. I went to see a GP last year and was put on Lexapro which did not work for me after 6 months trying. I did not go back but will be going back tomorrow which is a year since I stopped taking it.
If the medication does not work after a solid effort please go back and find something that does. Don't get discouraged like myself and throw in the towel.

Good luck :)


Well-known member
If you cant wait a year for cbt you could try phone therapy.
They do the same therapy over the phone, dependin on what kind of problems you have. but u have to refer yourself or get your doctor to, so that might take you off the waitin list...

Theres diffrent phobia/ anxitey charities that do them, or you could just phone to talk and get advice, you don't have to be refered for that.

Try checking google for them, or you can find them on the nhs website in anxitey disorders - further info or links i think if you live in the uk. National phobics socitey and no more panic are the best ones, but it costs to join (nps is most expensive at £21 a year) sorry i cant put a link up, im new to computers... :oops:
...but hope that's some help.