I want to network : )


Well-known member
Hello everybody!

Id like to try something new, im having a hard time reading all the new posts but from the ones ive read im very impressed on how motivated alot of ppl are at overcoming this.

What i really would like out of this post is to keep in touch on a regular basis, Im really into self improvement programs, like to discuss methods and new ideas I have learned and experiment to see how it works in real life. I figured since im devoting lots and lots of time figuring out what works and what doesnt I want to share it. I dont want to dicuss anymore how I get sad because of SAD, instead I want to help people, and together we all will get through this.

Kinda of like a support group, but more of a progress group, where things will only get better.


Well-known member
I really like that idea, sometimes we tend to get blue automatically. Or something may trigger our emotion of feeling blue. Its these "automatic" negative thoughts that causes us pain. If i am feeling blue ive learned to tell my self, STOP! or WAIT A MINUTE! and instead of rationalizing why I feel blue, because then I will feel worse, I tell myself So what I feel blue, let me find something that wont make me blue. Like a couple of pushups or if im in a difficult situation ill just excuss myself or think of song lyrics in my head. Soon enough you totally forget that you felt blue and so distracted you wont give yourself reason to analyze why you are blue.

I had bought a juicer a few days ago and have started exercising more, I truly believe the body is the temple and I really should take good care of it. You'll gain more confidence as well as burn away the anxiety, trust me it works! :D


Well-known member
Another thing, just because I have sad doesnt mean I should just sit around my house and get nothing done. I want to be a productive as possible because then I can look back and appreciate my past accomplishments.

Here are my goals for 6 days a week.

45-60min of exercise, anything can be improvised.
30 minutes of Overcoming SAD program.
30 minutes of eye improvement exercises.
8 minutes of speed reading program.
Then whatever I have to do for college.
Make sure I eat slower and choose the right foods.

It doesnt matter what you choose to do with your time, but the more enhance yourself, the more self-confidence and esteem you will have.

Even read the newspaper, watch positive television shows can make you more well rounded and give you plenty info if you want to get out there and talk to someone.

I really want to thank all of you for your great replys and feedback from my other posts as well, please share your thoughts and if you want a second opinion on something just message me or reply to this post. :D


Well-known member
Ok why not do this and then be rid of it, I did this and I must say it made me realize alot about myself as well as got alot off my chest.

This may take a couple of days or one long night, type up report about Every single little thing that bugs or depresses you, every single thing from your past that you want to spill out or that has bothered you. This may be the most depressing thing to do but this will be it, why should you try to keep negative memories in if it will be on this letter. When your done print it out, save the file but never read it, then burn the letter.

Now if your still upset about anything, then you didnt write enough, go back to the drawing board and then burn that. Just make sure youve got extra water around 8O

This really helped me, it may make things a bit better, even if its only a little bit. Look back at your acomplishments not your failures, only learn from your failures.


Well-known member
Anybody else want to add the the Post? Ive basically used everything at my disposal. Anybody go through the whole Overcoming Sad program or got any help through CBT? :eek: