I want to end it


Active member
Holy **** girl how silly you may be. let me guess your young under 30.

Am i wrong? ill put money on that im not. Im going through hell myself with the SA and thought about suicide but what kept me in check is the thoughts of what it would do to my family those christmas days that they would never again enjoy and the self blame that my parents would never recover from. I could not do that to my family i could not destroy their lives.

However i know quite a bit about relationships ive been in a few and i know many things i would like to pass onto you, if i can. Im off tommorrow/actually today and i can meet up with you on msn/skype web cam what ever, Its not as bad as you think trust me. Post ur msn/email or a time id like to talk, break ups can be awful its worse than physical pain it knaws at you but it subsides and you do grow stronger(no BS i promise) every one goes thorough it, its part of life.


Well-known member
Don't give up!! emma. All of us on this site has either been to the edge/ is on the ledge/ or will one day be there.

We social phobias have to use the mentality of a marathon runner because it's not how we start but how we finish.

When you're watching sports does it matter who scores first? Hell no!

How many time have you been driving down the street and a car speeds past you only to be waiting at the red light when you get there?

We have the potential to live 100 years!

Ok we've been having a few bad years but just think of all the others who think their crazy and have never heard of SOCIAL PHOBIA WORLD.

The fact that you know what you have; means that you're half way to the mountain top.

I am not going to lie and say that i've been to the promise land my self but we've all came too far to turnback now.

Am I the only one on this site that thinks this?


I'm sorry I'm probably not the best person to offer help and I am far from over my own problems so I know what I can say isnt much but, I'm afraid its all i have to give right now.

Only about a week ago I was giving some contemplation to suicide myself, it actually led me to find this site eventually and posting here helped to relive some stress but not much for my depresion. After i spent a while looking around the internet for sites on suicide I found none to be of any real comfort. I came across a pro suicide site and read through a bit of it and it truely scared the hell out of me after reading about half of it. I realized after that i didn't really want to die, That there is almost nothing in life that can't be changed given the effort and the time. I hope this doesn't sound like I got better in a week because I'm still a wreck.

I guess the best advice i know of to give is to keep an open mind. There are awnsers to most of the problems out there. That doesn't mean any of them are easy. I know its the stuipd standard response but there really are other guys out there, even if it's as hard for you to meet new people as it is for me.

If this hasn't helped you in anyway, all i can say is I'm sorry, I don't have all the awsners either but I for one care, because I was in the same place only about a week ago. I truly hope you can find your way through this whatever it takes.


Well-known member
You're right, Clark_Kent, I am under 30, I'm 20.
I think maybe I've been slightly hysterical, I had a bad day....I'm just going to have stick my chin up and get over it......Life isn't going to be sad forever.....Ok....ignore what I wrote before, I was just absorbed in my own misery


I find that reading other's stories helps me cope with things like this, just knowing that there are others who are going through the same things that I am gives me a sense of belonging. As well, writing about your thoughts, or keeping a diary can be an excellent way to vent. Heck, writing poetry can be revealing. I think I have like 300+ Word docs on my pc filled with random stuff. It feels good to get it off your chest. If it seems silly, try it! I usually feel that if something feels silly, then theres a part of you that really wants to do it!

Love has got to be one of the wildest extremes of emotions there is though eh? My god, the highs, the lows, its crazy!

I dunno if posts help when you're going through what you're going through. I know for me when I was 20 it would have been like trying to give advice to a brick wall packed into a nice concrete finish.

Anyways, all I can say is everyone on this website is here for you. Bad day or whatever, we're here. Or atleast I hope we are. First day and all...

TAMPA-BAY, I think you're bang on. I especially like the part about knowing is half the battle. Who knows how many of us have been utterly depressed and not known why. Just fix whatever's depressing you they say. Real simple... if only you knew what the heck was depressing you!


i know it may sound stupid,
but rent a comedy movie or several and it really helps
changing mood and vibe.

hope this helps