I want to be an actress...my story


When I was younger I used to be in commercials/movies. I was a very outgoing little girl from the age of 2 up until I was 11 or so. After that I slowly became more awkward and ugly and I had no confidence at all. My skin was bad, I had braces, my hair was poofy and frizzy and I was a mess. Obviously I wasn't able to do commercials at that point. I think the fact that I stopped commercials, combined with my awkward tween years led to my SA/shyness. When I was younger I was constantly told how cute I was, what a good actress I was and how talented and friendly I was in general. After awhile I stopped getting all of those complements, and it sucked. I guess I never really learned to like myself for who I am, but for what other people liked about me. If that makes sense...

I'm now almost 18 and my awkward tween years are over. I now think I'm a beautiful person. It's weird to say something so vain, but I do believe I am. My SA has gotten much better since then, and so has my confidence. I still find it hard to do certain things, I tend to blush quite frequently when people comment on my looks. I've been really thinking about getting back into acting. I think it would help the way I communicate with people and it would boost my confidence even more so. I could express myself in a different way. I would be pulled out of my comfort zone a bit and with a bit of work, maybe it would erase my SA altogether. It's a long shot, but it's worth a try.

I've heard of so many people who take acting classes to help with their shyness, public speaking...etc. Is anyone in this forum taking acting/took acting a long time ago? Want to start acting? Tell me about it. :) Maybe we can help each other in our endeavors!?


I really wanted to get into acting or some kind of showbiz, but I am just too short and self-conscious about my acne and crooked teeth. That I don't smile as much anymore or smile very awkwardly in front of people. I'm 21 now and still feel the same way about myself. Every parent tells me I'm a cute boy that looks so young. and I just smile back at them and laugh. But when I'm around other people my age or in the outside world, I can't be my natural self and I make myself look ugly by being so quiet and awkward and not giving too much eye contact. I wish I could overcome it the way you did, maybe I'll feel different when my acne does go away and get my teeth perfect.


Well-known member
I'm thinking of taking theater in my school. No promises though haha

However, I do have to take speech, no choice.

Acting seems like fun. Not necessarily interested in it as a career choice, but it's definitely something that can be fun while you're at it.

Good luck if you try it out.
I always wanted to be an actor, but with SP and depression it's kinda hard haha. You should join a theater club or something if it's possible, and just act for the love of acting!


Acting classes are a great idea, I think you cannot help but improve in that environment. I've done a tiny bit of acting and it gave me a big self-esteem boost every time I did it.