I want Affirmations and Visualization

Hi Everyone,
I hope someone out there has the answers I need about Affirmations and Visualization. I am being told the reason my wishes don't become reality, manifest is because I am not doing this correctly.
What is the "Proper" way or "Certain way" to word affirmations to get them into the subconscious so they resonate with what I am trying to manifest?
Is there a proper way to visualize what I want to make it more than a dream?
Any answers would be most appreciated!
Love and Peace,


There is no 'proper' way because everyone is different. If you let your emotions guide you then you will find the proper way for you. As you make an affirmation statement take notice of how it makes you feel. If there is any resistance then simply reword it until it feels good. You can also try a 100% Exclusive Law of Attraction Package Complete With The Greatest Personal Development Books EVER Written at www.freelawofattraction.com
That being said..
I AM .. is one of the best phrases to use when trying to rewrite your subconscious. I AM is telling your mind that something is right now.