I thought I was going crazy until I learnt about SAD!


Today is the first time I have realised that the problem I have battled for years has a name - social anxiety disorder, or social phobia - and specific symptoms, and that it's not just me going crazy! You cannot (well, maybe you can :? ) imagine what a relief and revelation this is to me.

I am 47. A year ago I had a nervous breakdown/burnout which I thought was caused by work stress. I have to travel a lot and that means meeting new people, facing new situations. All I knew was that I never liked that but it had reached obsessive levels in the previous months. Whenever I had to travel (which usually means giving a presentation) I freaked out before and during, and was totally mentally and physically wiped out afterwards.

What triggered the breakdown, I now realise, is that I had stopped drinking alcohol, completely, 2 months before. Now I realise that since I was a teen I had used alcohol to give me Dutch courage and that without it I crumbled.

The last year I have been trying to rebuild my confidence but without much success. When faced with work travel again (I had managed to avoid it for nearly a year) all my panic resurfaced.

My worst fear is "mingling"... being at a large or small meeting and having to make small talk in the breaks. I can sort of handle giving presentations. I zone out and disconnect, and just get totally into the subject. Once I'm on a roll it's OK. Afterwards I am shaking like a leaf. The worst is if at that moment someone speaks to me. I just want to curl up and die.

And of course, if you're a speaker, people always come up and talk to you afterwards. I am getting bad palpitations just thinking about it so I'll stop now. Just wanted to say what a relief to find this forum. I plan to come here a lot now that I am determined to tackle this problem and escape it.

So, a warm hello to everyone here. I feel like I'm among friends :)


Well-known member
hi fibri..welcome..you are among friends, i hope you can find some help here, and at least take comfort that you're not alone :)


Well-known member
hey fibri welcome to SPW! Yes i felt exactly the same when i first came here...i hope you find the support you need and motivation to seek help


Well-known member
I know how hard it can be when you think you're going crazy or you're the only person in the world that feels like this.It can be very hard to deal with these feelings but now that you know what it is and that your're not the only one out there, that feels like this.You will have more tools to fight SA.Anyways welcome to SPW Fibri.I hope you find what you're looking for here. :D


Active member
Hi fibri,
Guess what...a buddy of mine left me a message to check out a networking event this Thur. night and I'm already going thru in my mind how I'll make an excuse that I'll have to work and I can't make it. But i've decided to try and relax and try some deep breathing then tell myself. Its ok, I'll do fine. This may be harder than it seems and when I share these feelings with other close friends they tell me that if i give into this fear its going to control me.
I know how emotionally crippling SA is and I also dread speaking in front of crowds too. Try this...the night before you go relax and visualize and see yourself shaking hands with everyone and notice the smiles on their faces.
I do this at night before bed. deep breathing from the abdomens has helped me some to control the nervous jitters. I'm not saying I'm totallly over it but I feel a bit more in control. This takes practice fibri.
good luck to ya buddy try this and report back to us and let us know if you felt any difference.
Send me a PM if you'd like.