Today is the first time I have realised that the problem I have battled for years has a name - social anxiety disorder, or social phobia - and specific symptoms, and that it's not just me going crazy! You cannot (well, maybe you can :? ) imagine what a relief and revelation this is to me.
I am 47. A year ago I had a nervous breakdown/burnout which I thought was caused by work stress. I have to travel a lot and that means meeting new people, facing new situations. All I knew was that I never liked that but it had reached obsessive levels in the previous months. Whenever I had to travel (which usually means giving a presentation) I freaked out before and during, and was totally mentally and physically wiped out afterwards.
What triggered the breakdown, I now realise, is that I had stopped drinking alcohol, completely, 2 months before. Now I realise that since I was a teen I had used alcohol to give me Dutch courage and that without it I crumbled.
The last year I have been trying to rebuild my confidence but without much success. When faced with work travel again (I had managed to avoid it for nearly a year) all my panic resurfaced.
My worst fear is "mingling"... being at a large or small meeting and having to make small talk in the breaks. I can sort of handle giving presentations. I zone out and disconnect, and just get totally into the subject. Once I'm on a roll it's OK. Afterwards I am shaking like a leaf. The worst is if at that moment someone speaks to me. I just want to curl up and die.
And of course, if you're a speaker, people always come up and talk to you afterwards. I am getting bad palpitations just thinking about it so I'll stop now. Just wanted to say what a relief to find this forum. I plan to come here a lot now that I am determined to tackle this problem and escape it.
So, a warm hello to everyone here. I feel like I'm among friends
I am 47. A year ago I had a nervous breakdown/burnout which I thought was caused by work stress. I have to travel a lot and that means meeting new people, facing new situations. All I knew was that I never liked that but it had reached obsessive levels in the previous months. Whenever I had to travel (which usually means giving a presentation) I freaked out before and during, and was totally mentally and physically wiped out afterwards.
What triggered the breakdown, I now realise, is that I had stopped drinking alcohol, completely, 2 months before. Now I realise that since I was a teen I had used alcohol to give me Dutch courage and that without it I crumbled.
The last year I have been trying to rebuild my confidence but without much success. When faced with work travel again (I had managed to avoid it for nearly a year) all my panic resurfaced.
My worst fear is "mingling"... being at a large or small meeting and having to make small talk in the breaks. I can sort of handle giving presentations. I zone out and disconnect, and just get totally into the subject. Once I'm on a roll it's OK. Afterwards I am shaking like a leaf. The worst is if at that moment someone speaks to me. I just want to curl up and die.
And of course, if you're a speaker, people always come up and talk to you afterwards. I am getting bad palpitations just thinking about it so I'll stop now. Just wanted to say what a relief to find this forum. I plan to come here a lot now that I am determined to tackle this problem and escape it.
So, a warm hello to everyone here. I feel like I'm among friends