I think I may have Avoidant PD and possibly Paranoid PD.


Well-known member
After reading up more about these personality disorders, the explaination for Avoidant resembles me spot on. Also to think about it, I am just as worried about reactions as negative judgements.

I am also very suspicious of peoples motives and have been since a fall out with a friend many years ago. I always analyse outings with friends for potential signs of betrayal. I look for demeaning messages in the stupidest of places, I intrepret neutral or even friendly events with a negative taint.

I feel sad, there is so much wrong with my brain :(


If you do have these problems... alot of the medication and the ways of treating it is the same.. so try not to depress yourself by giving your self labels.Its quite possible you have these problems.. but at the same time its quite possible its just actualy part of your social anxiety/depression.

Best bet is to speak to your doctor if you have one.. but try not to sit worrying about what you might or might not have.I know its hard... i do it all the time... i sit there worrying myself thinking have i got somthing more serious than depression and my anxiety disorders.Severe depression and anxiety can emulate alot of other disorders.And our anxious nature will take these worries and escalate them.


Active member
hey couldnt think of a better reply than what danfalc said. i think at times all of us worry about people letting us down etc but i suppose the best thing to do is think about when its worse? like is it the same in all situation, does alcahol make it worse etc? and go from there. if u feel it is a daily problem then contact ur GP for a referal.
and yeh try not to dwell on it, u know that every single person in the world will have traits from atleast one psychological condition? its more about how you deal with it and to what extent it effects ur functioning that means you have the disorder.
but yeh contact ur GP for a assesment x


Well-known member
Unfortuantely these conditions do cripple my life. Some days will be better than others of course, but overall I just can't engage in any social conversation at all outside of family and a few friends (even then, it is hard). I should get help ASAP, or Uni will be hell next year. However neither I or my family have the money to get any major help. And plus, I can't conjure up enough courage to tell them. They will probably tell me to 'get over it' or something like that.