I think I am incapable of small talk.

Yes I'm cynical, Yes I'm pessimistic but that doesn't make me a bad person dammit. I've noticed that whenever I talk to someone whether on or offline it usually doesn't end well at all and it kind of depresses me.

I'm also extremely jealous of individuals who can talk on the phone all day and have the person on the other line actually care about whats coming out of their mouth.

I pretend like I don't give a damn but I really do want to be liked by people.... it sucks.

I feel like hiding under a rock
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Well-known member
I'm also extremely jealous of individuals you can talk on the phone all day and have the person on the other line actually care about whats coming out of their mouth.

Meh, phone conversations aren't for everyone... I suck on the phone, I usually find it incredibly awkward. I'd much rather just text message (and that's mostly what I use my phone for).
I also feel unloved...........


yes, I just laughed at myself, because it sounds sissy-ish but I'm serious...



Well-known member
Heh... phone conversations with people I don't know that well are very uncomfortable for me. If it's a close friend or someone I know fairly well I can go on for hours but I prefer text messaging anyway, cuts some of the awkwardness away.


Women have a special talent for this but for us guys we'd mostly rather not bother. Unless we have to with a boss or something.


Well-known member
I haven't used the phone for long drawn out conversations in a very long time. Unless your talking about family, but that doesn't really count imo. For the most part I just text, x100 easier. So I'm right there with you mate.

Ren Koutaisou

Well-known member
I also can't talk to people even though I try, and end up saying stupid negative stuff or some random dumb ass punch line as if I were a comedian. Nobody ever bothers to call or text my phone anyway. Sometimes I feel like I can't talk because my throat is always dry.


Well-known member
I hate using the phone. I always wait for someone to pick up or leave a message so I have time to make an excuse why I can't talk heh


Just find something interesting to talk about, for both of u. Talk without letting your emotions get in the way. just be genuinely into the conversation and not make it sound forced and whatnot out of fear, cus then it means you're not really concentrating on the topic etc..


I also can't talk to people even though I try, and end up saying stupid negative stuff or some random dumb ass punch line as if I were a comedian. Nobody ever bothers to call or text my phone anyway. Sometimes I feel like I can't talk because my throat is always dry.

this is me to a "T".


Well-known member
Everything you've just said i agree with.
I cant do small talk. All this 'the weathers lovely today' business makes me cringe. Pmsl.

People must think im a right boring cow. :D


Well-known member

Lovely weather we have here isn't it?
I like it when it rains. The clattering sound of water keeps the bad thoughts away.

If you can speak, you can't be incapable of small talk, because small talk can be anything you say that isn't really serious or important. Having stayed alone for a long time, I often feel like I have to be super this and super that to be worthy of interacting with others, but I am forced to realize that deep down this is only a load of baloney. Making a fool of yourself is nothing personal, and it's just the same for small talk.


I wonder how many people who are incapable of serious discussions fret about it the way those incapable of small-talk often do. It used to bother me that I couldn't make small talk but then I realised that I'm just too damn smart for it ::p: Give me a deep and meaningful any day. Screw small-talk :D